Saturday, May 30, 2009

How To Add The Line Separator In HTML

To make the paragraph break in a comment after a quote in italics, on the next line under the quote, type BRBR with open and close brackets < > on either side of each BR. Then leave a space line. When you preview, the break will look huge, but when you hit publish, it will be right.

I can't show you, because the BRBR disappears into a space when I use the brackets.

If anyone has a better explanation, I will post it.


  1. Thanks. As you see below, I've half-way worked it out.

  2. I actually posted this workaround in comments about 3 weeks ago, I think.

    But whatever. I don't know why it has this problem but whatever.

  3. IT, that's probably where I saw it. I couldn't remember.

    The way it was explained to me is that Blogger was doing the html work for us before, and, for whatever reason, they stopped. I wish they hadn't.

  4. Yes, but it seems to be specific to the italics tag. Very odd, and very annoying!

  5. Here is some basic html formatting code. Click Next to see more.

  6. Why is it that I find myself shaking my head in disbelief?

    Oh, I know. It's because I'm such a techno dinosaur.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I wrote my first web page by hand in about 1995. I still code the stupid thing entirely by hand, though I did learn to use cascading style sheets. Since my web site runs about 30 or 40 pages this can be tedious, but also relaxing in the same way a puzzle is.

    It's why my new blog has a unique look: I took a blogger template and changed it a LOT. Knowing HTML is very useful.

    In any case, blogger's current glitch is that it loses line breaks after you type something in italics in the comments. Not otherwise.

    So this looks terrible, while

    this one
    where I put in a return, then the "line break" tag, and then another return, looks okay.

  9. Oh, and if you want an empty line for space, do as Mimi says.

    Which is probably a good policy for life

  10. IT! I'm blushing.

    Folks, you really should not follow my advice for living your life.

    PS: IT, is it likely that Blogger will go back to the old way?


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