Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's Only An Earring

A man is at work one day when he notices that his co-worker is wearing a rather feminine looking earring. The man knows his co-worker is usually a conservative, ordinary kind of guy, and is curious about his sudden change in fashion sense.

He comments to his friend, "I didn't know you were into earrings."

"It's not such a big deal," comes the sheepish reply. "It's only an

His friend falls silent for a few minutes, but then his curiosity prods him to ask, "So, how long have you been wearing an earring?"

"Ever since my wife found it in the car."

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.


  1. Lapin, thanks for the perfect added touch of English 'umor.

  2. I love that joke, Mimi. It makes me laugh every time. Then there's the one about the man wearing women's underwear... same punchline.

  3. Susan Sycophant, I may have even posted the one with the underwear. The test is if the joke makes me laugh, whether I've heard it before or not.

    You can be my sycophant, too, you know.

  4. Oh yes, Mimi! I would love to be your sycophant. Is that possible? I am worried that I may lose track of all the asses I am supposed to kiss if I get too many!

    I'm so glad that someone actually saw my comment! Does that make me something else?

  5. Susan, I'm following the thread, having said my piece more than once. I think Joe doesn't like me.

    You are something else, but I won't go there. I treat my sycophants well and don't tell tales.

  6. Oh, but I must know, Mimi!

    Watch your email.

  7. I outed myself as a sycophant of Mimi at the thread across the pond before I saw Susan S. racing in ahead of me here.

  8. Listen, Paul... I do not race, I amble. I was invited to be Mimi's sycophant...

  9. Now, now, children. I won't have my sycophants squabbling.

  10. What ever you say, Dear Mimi. You are so wise!

  11. What the h-ll is with you people today?

  12. Lapin, we're being silly. If you want to understand what the silliness is about read the comments to this post, all 101 of them as of right now.

  13. Getting so "luvvy" around here I was wondering when Emma Thompson was going to show up.

    "Oh, no! We never mention him,
    His name is never heard ...."
    Popular 19th c song by one Thomas Haynes Bayley (1797-1839)

  14. Remind me again how to add a separator in html code. Obviously I wasn't paying attention

  15. Didn't you save the email, Lapin? It's not that easy to explain. I think I still have it. I'll look it up.

    Pertaining to nothing in particular here, Emma Thompson was too old to play Elinor Dashwood in "Sense and Sensibility". Elinor was 19, for heaven's sake. Thompson was 36 or 37 when she played the role. That annoyed me. Just sayin'.

  16. She's a spring chicken compared to Dustin Hoffman, with whom she's paired in a movie, one which I have NOT checked out, recently released on DVD.

    I had forgotten that you emailed the info to me. Thought it was on a thread somewhere or other in cyberspace. Will check.

  17. OK, found it



    See what happens, shall we?

    If it don't work, will try it some other time.

  18. I put up a post with my explanation.

  19. We sycophants sit at your feet and obey, Grandmère.

    Byzigenous Buddhapalians on occasion indulge in irony.

  20. Paul, that's exactly how it should be, you ironic Byzigenous Buddhapalian, with the unspellable name.

  21. I'm a bit late coming to this thread, but could I please also be your sycophant? I promise I will never ever disagree with a word you write, say or even think!

  22. Erika! Who would say no to a sycophant who can read minds?

  23. ps re "If you want to understand what the silliness is about read the comments to this post", I've read them, Mimi. Don't tell me you've succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome. No question but you're all doing a dandy job of soothing Jonathan's wounded feelings, letting him know that bullying and hounding folks - women in particular - is perfectly acceptable behavior, and that his well-known inability to take that criticism he loves to dole out to others by the barrel-load is equally fine. Sometimes, love, you all have me stumped.

  24. Lapin, love, I will answer your comment by email.

  25. No rush and feel free to delete without any hard feelings, tho' I will not do that. I've said my piece and I mean every word.

  26. Very funny joke. I've been stockpiling the Dougiana Mimiensis for posterity...

  27. Goody, Tobias! Will there be a book?


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