Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I've Got To Leave This Town

I'll check out tomorrow for a few days, just a long weekend really. I shall return on Sunday, revived, refreshed, renewed, and rarin' to go.

I've got the low-dirty-livin-in-a-smalltown blues
And I'm runnin' out of things to do
I don't need no pity, just drop me in a city
I've got to feel the rhythm runnin' down in my shoes

I'll turn off comments tonight while I'm gone.

"Y'all come back now, y'hear?"


  1. Grandmere --cut the rug! (Oh dear, is that too colloquial? --it means something like kick up your heels! --dancing like!)

  2. ..just sayin'


  3. Thanks my friends. I'll have fun, but not for myself, for I am a sober, upright, Christian woman. I'll do it for you.


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