Friday, May 15, 2009

Our Margaret Wants Our Help

It's Margaret asks for our help. She's riding her bike for a good cause.

The Fan Free Clinic serves the uninsured, the poor and homeless in the Richmond area. They were part of the cutting edge in providing care for those suffering and dieing(sic) of AIDS. They continue to freely serve those who have no other access to care.

Help Margaret reach her goal. She adds, "And pray for me as I drag my ass through the country side on the narrow seat of a bike!" She wants to finish the ride. I know she can.

Read all about it at her blog, and help if you can.


  1. Thank you Grandmere --I awoke this morning and discovered I had met my goal --and from here, it is all gravy!

    Thank you so very much.

  2. Thanks for pointing me there, although Margaret was on my list for trying to read today.

  3. Grandmere! THANK YOU so very much! All told, I believe we raised over $35,000 for the Clinic (--the congregation where I serve, we do this every year and we began several months ago!)

    THANK YOU for your contribution, and for helping me get the word out!

    WE DID IT!!!!! And my ass made it back! Right behind the rest of me!

    Many blessings,

  4. Margaret, I told ya. Congratulations! It's great that y'all raised that grand amount of money. It's also wonderful that you and your ass are still intact.


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