Saturday, May 16, 2009

Doug's (Or Someone's) Thought For The Day

This week former Vice-President Dick Cheney said that Rush Limbaugh is more of a Republican than Colin Powell.

I'm thinking he certainly is; about 300 pounds more!!


  1. size...and that´s for starters...MORE is the name of insatiable game for drug addicts and seekers of acclaim/validation and ANYTHING that supports their abuse, moral or substance...but, as you can see, sometimes that empty hole, deep inside, simply can´t be filled...not ever...try, try, try.

    In addition, imagine Cheney trying to cover up such terrible and obsessive deathmaking, tainted economic choices and causing general havoic and destruction and glorifying Rush Limbaugh!

    Demeaning the/his Secretary of State he, Cheney, and Bush lied to in the first place that drew US all into the Irqi mess.

    It´s clear what kind of personal ethics are at play when Cheney Rush Limbaugh there will never be enough rationalizing, blaming and shaming to cover up for such deep character flaws and National harm done...yet he smurks and continues to crank out and defend his sick behavior and disasterous international record.

    Colin Powell is a gem of a man and American hero who knows when to say he´s been wrong and change...Change that we can, and do, and must, believe in.

  2. Leo, the fundies can be so forgiving of their own.

    When Powell made his presentation before the UN before the Iraq War, he lost much of my respect. I knew that he was supplying misinformation, so he had to know. He should have resigned before he presented that load of crap to the whole world.

    He probably hung in with the Bush maladministration to attempt to temper their aggression, but he lost his integrity in the process. Having said that, he's still a far better man than the Rush.


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