Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Please Pray - From Fran

I feel a bit stupid doing this as I have been so absent on the blog front of late but I am going to be bold and request your prayers for my friend and for my sister in law.

My sister in law OS has shown evidence of malignant cervical cells. Due to her age, weight and other health conditions her doctor is recommending her to a special surgeon for a hysterectomy. She is very frightened. O is not a woman of particular faith, actually has been quite scarred by it. That said she is wanting to pray and be prayed for. It is in the nature of my husband's family to expect the worst in all things and then actually manipulate things unconsciously to bring the worst forth and "be done with it." Please pray for her health but also for her hope and faith, which is what she really needs.

Although she has not asked me to do this, I am asking for ongoing prayers for less-and-less of a lurker Chris. She has said a few words and I know she has corresponded with at least one of you. She also has reached out to Roseann by phone, she feels so quietly connected to this community. She has had her ongoing health challenges that I have asked for prayer about in the past and these are indeed ongoing. Please support her and hold her in prayer. Chris is often taking care of everyone else, I seek prayers to take care of her!

For those of you who do post prayer lists, if you can post this on your blogs, great. If not, no worries, just thank you from deeply in my heart for the prayers.

And I am fine - presentation at diocesan event went well... so thanks for your prayers on that. Also ongoing thanks for all the amazing help I received and paid the deductible for my car. I send my love, gratitude and prayers to and for all!! I am just too busy this week and actually already late to leave the house which I will not return to until 10pm tonight. That's cool though, all is well, thanks be to God!!! Your collective prayers for me are ever present, well received and appreciated more than words could ever say.



  1. Prayers ascending. Marilyn

  2. Thank you so much for putting this out there Mimi, thank you and God bless you and all.

  3. Fran love, you know I'm pleased to do it.


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