Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Ravages Of Aging

Don't blame me. Blame Doug.


  1. The Aavages of Raging is indeed upon us all. And smoking doesn't help.

  2. I love this Mimi. I have taken the cartoon and sent it to all my friends with old joints!

  3. Aging- the natural high?

    What can I smoke to get rid of these #$%^ sudden changes in temperature I am experiencing?

  4. My sentiments exactly. I gave up the weed forever when I found I could get the same sensation just by turning 50.

  5. Doug must think I'm old - or something.

    Fred, the weed don't make ya mellow no mo'?

    Sara, I can't help you. I'm long past the flashes.

    Counterlight, you're a mere youngster. Oh, to be 50 again. Those were the days!


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