Thursday, June 4, 2009

Allow Lt. Col. Fehrenbach To Continue To Serve

From the Seattle Times:

Barack Obama's campaign promise to scrap the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy gave Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach hope. Now the pilot is wondering if the president will deliver in time to save his 18-year Air Force career.

The winner of nine air medals for distinguished service in flight, including one for heroism the night U.S. forces captured Baghdad International Airport in 2003, Fehrenbach is getting kicked out of the military a year after a civilian acquaintance told his bosses he was gay.

He thought he could hang on until the government eliminated the military's policy forcing gays and lesbians to keep their sexual orientation secret, but now he isn't so sure.

Obama "was someone who had experienced discrimination firsthand and that's why I had a lot of faith," Fehrenbach said. "I thought, OK I can fight this, and maybe by January Obama could be inaugurated and this won't matter.

"That hasn't happened."

The Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, an advocacy group seeking equal treatment of gays in the military, estimates that more than 200 service members have been discharged under "don't ask, don't tell" since Obama was sworn in.

He stands to lose the $46,000 a year in retirement benefits, plus medical benefits, he would receive for the rest of his life.

Under the honorable discharge he is facing, he would receive $80,000 in separation pay.

To forcibly discharge a service member who has served bravely and honorably for 18 years is shameful. Lt. Col. Fehrenbach is only one amongst 200 others who have been ushered out of the military services prematurely because of the stupid "don't ask - don't tell" policy, because President Obama has not yet kept his promise. I'm without words.

Watch the video and sign the petition at Servicemembers Legal Defense Network asking Air Force Secretary Donley to allow Lt. Col. Fehrenbach to continue to serve.

Thanks to Doug for sending me the link.


  1. Sorry, 'murcans only - requires postal code :-(

  2. Signed and sent. This really makes my blood boil. Think of all the gay soldiers, sailors and airmen over the centuries who have fought and died for our country! We just cannot go on dishonoring their memory and throwing the gifts of young heroes of today on the junk heap. Thanks for this alert, Mimi.

  3. This wretched story makes my blood boil.

  4. May Lt. Colonel F triumph over his enemies!


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