Saturday, June 13, 2009

From A Sermon For The First Sunday After Trinity

No, not by me. By MadPriest, posted at Of Course I Could Be On Vacation, because he is on holiday, but not quite yet, unless he's recorded the sermon for play on Sunday. You may want to read the entire sermon, for it's quite good, excellent, really. Here are a few short quotes to entice you to read it all.

Gospel reading for the day: Mark 4: 26-34 (Parables on the Kingdom of God - of sowing, of harvesting, of the mustard seed)

...Christians are called to be the hands of God on earth. We are included within God’s creative plan as active agents of bringing the Kingdom of God into being. We cannot just resign ourselves to believing that what will be will be or that everything is God’s fault. We are creatures of free will who can effect change in our own present and future for good or ill.

And the gospel truth we heard this morning in our main reading is that the Kingdom of God will come into full being through the agency of uncountable, small works of goodness performed by the people of the Kingdom, you and me, included. Our actions, when they are in line with the commandments of God the Father and the teachings of Jesus Christ, are like tiny seeds sown on the ground. Seeds so small you can hardly see them. Seeds that appear lost amongst the dirt and the stones of the soil into which they are cast. But these seeds, because they are of God and his Kingdom sprout and grow. And although they start off as tiny, individual seeds they become a vast field of healthy crops or a whole plantation of mighty mustard bushes. Our individual, usually insignificant, good deeds join together to become something very visible and vast in its scale. And that is what the Kingdom of God is about. It is the coming together of many individuals to become one people within the presence of God.

Now go. Go read the rest.


  1. I would have missed this, comments and all, if you had not linked it, Mimi.

  2. Lapin, the sermon seemed to go under the radar rather quickly, and I thought it was worth highlighting it again.

  3. That's what happens if you post something w'out a suggestive photograph.

  4. Amazing, that one. I loved the scrutiny as to whether the photo was shopped. It reminded me of the kerning controversy having to do with Bush's Air National Guard records.


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