Thursday, June 11, 2009

"The Vortex"!!!

I received the link to this video from my cousin. Embedding is disabled, so you must click the link to watch this POS.

Perhaps I'm out of the loop, but I had never heard of "The Vortex" or Real CatholicTV. In truth, I'd like to be back in my state of ignorance.

Here is the exchange of emails with said cousin:

Me: "This is a joke, right?" (Indeed, I knew that it was no joke, just more damned lies from the religious right.)

Cousin: "I don't know if it is a joke or not and don't consider it funny. I do believe BO is trying very hard to turn the train to the left. Very far to the left."

Me: "And I am distressed with Obama because he's middle of the road, leaning right. But I knew he would be, so I'm not surprised. The country has moved so far to the right that the middle of the road looks like the left."

Cousin: "Obviously you and I have very different definitions of left, middle and right."

Obviously. End of exchange. This cousin and I once had a "discussion" that ended up in a near shouting match - in a restaurant, no less. I believe that we frightened and embarrassed the rest of the party at the table. We don't discuss politics any more. So why did he send me this POS? I don't know. I thought we had agreed to disagree.

I am surrounded by folks like my cousin. Thank God for Grandpère and a few other like-minded folks and for my online community. But for them/you, I'd be barking mad.


  1. I could watch only a small bit of that video. I can't believe what I heard. No wonder you and your cousin have gotten into shouting matches. BTW, that presenter on the video has a very strange hairstyle. He could qualify for a "Mommy, Don't Let Him Look at Me." on OCICBW.

  2. I could only watch about half but then I proudly call myself a socialist. I know there are a number of papal statements over the years which commend the basic tenets of socialism. Workers should receive fair wages, everyone has a right to basic shelter, food and health etc. I sometimes think it would be good for these right wingers to see the US economy collapse without any Government assistance but then so many others would also suffer.
    As a result of our "socialist" governments, even the one we recently removed would be seen as socialist by these people, our economy has avoided "technical' recession and while times are difficult we are doing better than any other western economy.

  3. It was quite difficult to watch the entire video, but I feel I need to know some of what's out there driving people like my cousin. He's not a stupid man, so how can he fall for this shit?

  4. I didn't realize the RCC had such different readings on St. Barnabas' Feast Day. What I read about apostolic Christianity said:

    ACTS 4:32
    All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.

  5. This is why I hardly speak to most of my family anymore, including my mother. And when we do speak, it is almost always mindless pleasantries and the weather.
    I agree with you. I don't think it's because I am really all that far left, it's because the rest of the country has turned so far to the right over the last 30 years (and gone crazy in recent years).

    I've always thought that leaving Texas was the best decision I ever made. If I had stayed, I'd have ended up an alcoholic or a drug addict (like a few old friends from years ago).

  6. This is a typical rant from the EWTN crowd. We can only hope that more intelligent and reasonable voices will prevail.

  7. I don't know why I'm still surprised at this sort of thing, but I am. I suppose I still lead a somewhat sheltered life.

    Counterlight, it's too late for me to get out of Dodge.

  8. I find that right-wingers have an overwhelming urge to be..."right." To the point that they simply cannot let sleeping dogs lie.

  9. To piggyback onto what Doxy said, being "right" is much more important than to be in relationship.

    I live surrounded by this, well, selfishness. My husband, the vast majority of my family including Only Son, most of the people who live around me, etc. My life would be easier if I could only be a far righter, but I just can't be. And it does make it harder to be in relationship with my family, as was said in this discussion. You can only speak about the weather in order to not start a fight.

  10. It's not that I want to live in a ghetto of like-minded people, but, on occasion, it would be nice to be able to speak of certain subjects without getting into an argument.

    Laurelew, GP is the only person in my family with whom I'm able to have a peaceable conversation about politics, so it's great to have him around. He's not as prone to speak out as I am, thus he gets along better with the folks around here.

  11. Lauralew--I think of you so often when this issue comes up. Bless you for holding to what you believe is right--it must be so difficult at times!


  12. Your assessment is correct. It is a POS!! Unfortunatly, we, too, have relatives like this.

  13. OMG! I thought this was HYSTERICALLY funny. When he got to the litany of the "this is why" I was hooting so loudly that Ms. Conroy came up to see whatever was the matter.

    The man is a joke. He's the Rush Limbaugh of the RC Church. No intelligent RC I know would take any of this stuff seriously. Indeed, they would laugh at it as loudly as I did.

    I'm sorry if what I write is offensive to anyone who gets upset with this. I'm sure y'all have relatives who take this crap as seriously as a heart attack. I have no doubt that it is very upsetting. I don't mean to diminish that at all.

    All I can think of is Forrest Gump saying, "Stupid is as stupid does."

  14. Elizabeth, as I said, my cousin is not a stupid man. I wish I could laugh, but I know too many seemingly intelligent people who take this stuff seriously.

    You live in a different place, but I'll wager that there are folks near you who believe this crap, too, but keep their views under wraps, except with those who are known to be like-minded.

    You don't offend me, Elizabeth, but I believe that you underestimate the numbers who lap this up.

  15. A surprising number of people take this sort of thing seriously. It might be amusing if it weren't so scary.

  16. Yes this is scary. I have rarely heard the word 'socialism' used as a dirty word so many times in so short a time. And speaking of Rush Limbaugh, his claim about the 88 yr. old who killed the guard at the Holocaust Museum having Leftist thinking is just another example of a POS.

  17. There's no end to the lies. My cousin considers himself a good "Catholic", but I suppose that lying no longer falls into the category of sin from his religious view.


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