Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Do I have A Scoop For You!


For the very first time on the intertubes, I give you a picture of Blogland's famous IT and BP, her wife. IT blogs at The Friends of Jake and comments all over the place with unusual (even in my smart crowd) brilliance. She is (or was until Erp came along) our token atheist, but she gets Christianity more right than many Christians and is also more knowledgeable about current affairs in the church than many of us. She is a scientist and brings the gift of that viewpoint into our discussions.

It was my great pleasure in Anaheim to spend an afternoon with IT and BP before the Integrity Eucharist and our gathering at Bar Louie. They are both lovely women, bright and funny, and wonderful company. We did not sit together at the Integrity Eucharist, nor were we seated near one another at Bar Louie, so I treasure my time with them earlier. I hope very much to meet them again face to face.

Although I'd had many online conversations with IT, I had never "talked" to BP, but we bonded right away and plunged into lively conversation from the start. There was never a moment of silence amongst the three us. Before we went to the café to have a bit of food, we met Prior Aelred and James, Tobias Haller's beloved, outside the convention center.

The photo was taken in the lounge at the Hilton before the Integrity Eucharist. In the front row, are Prior Aelred (Who else? He's easy to recognize.), looking rather stunned at being in the company of the group of women, me, always laughing, and the two lovelies, IT and BP. In the back row, are two more lovelies, Margaret of Leave It Lay Where Jesus Flang It and Susan Russell, the President of Integrity, who blogs at An Inch at a Time.

IT, thank you for giving me the honor of being the first to post a picture of you and BP. It's quite a generous gesture, since you surely could have had the scoop at FOJ.

Belated acknowledgement: Photo courtesy of Susan Russell, via, via, via others. Sorry about that, Susan.


  1. Prior Aelred knows when he's surrounded. Lovely to put faces to names. I remember how we all rejoiced when IT and BP were married. I wish them continued joy. Glad you could meet so many new and old friends, Mimi.

  2. IT
    It's wonderful to "meet" you and BP. Don't you look happy and full of life, this is a beautiful photo! Thanks for posting it, Mimi.

  3. Dear Mimi, it was delightful spending the afternoon with you! I, too hope to see you again.

    Meeting with so many I've been hearing about for so long was a real treat. I felt very welcome and right at home; I am quite blessed. Thanks for supporting me in my... sabbatical. :-)


  4. Oh wow BP has never posted on MY blog.... and I'm married to her! :-)

    Mimi, you ARE something special! ;-)

  5. Paul, Prior Aelred is a dear and not as much of an introvert as he claims to be. And he's very funny, too.

    Erika, thank IT for allowing me to post the picture. I neglected to give credit to Susan Russell for the picture when I first posted, but I fixed the post.

    BP! I'm so surprised! I never thought I'd hear from you in a comment. Enjoy your...sabbatical.

    IT, thank you. I'm blushing. I am honored, indeed, to have a comment from BP. I hope that this won't make trouble between you two blissfully happy people.

  6. BP??? Commenting????? And HERE????? LOL

    Good scoop Grandmere!

  7. James, Göran, what can I say? It's all IT's doing and BP's doing, and I get the credit. It's not fair.

  8. It was a happy happy day to meet you all!

    Many blessings, Grandmere.

    --it's margaret

  9. Hooray! IT and BP come out of the closet, so to speak!

    It's lovely to be able to put a face with a screen identity, so I thank IT and BP for being willing to do so and letting you have the scoop. They are indeed a lovely couple.

    I'm jealous of those who are able to meet so many blogging friends, but push aside my jealousy to be grateful for your sharing the experience with the rest of us. Thanks, Grandmere. :)

    Peace, y'all.

  10. Oh my - what a gathering! I am jealous but delighted for you all.

    Fantastic photo.

  11. Thanks all. It was lovely to meet so many wonderful people I had forgotten that this photo was taken, so it was quite a pleasant surprise. IT and BP and I were busy, busy talking, and we forgot about taking pictures, so I'm especially glad to have this one of us together. And it's my only picture with Susan Russell.

  12. Great Picture, Mimi! I too am jealous. I'm glad you got to meet all the lovely folks in Anaheim.

  13. What a wonderful photo! IT and BP, thank you for the gift of this photo. You are both beautiful and your smiles shine with life and love. I already care so much about this community and putting faces to the names and personalities, really does seal this sense of family for me.

  14. I'm very grateful for the opportunity to meet such lovely people. Prior Aelred and I have "known" each other for years on the internet, so it was a great pleasure to meet him. He's not out and about in the blogosphere as much as he once was, but I keep up with him through the newsletter from St. Gregory's Abbey.

  15. So that's what she looks like! Great to finally see her and BP.

  16. *Claps my hands* YAY!

    What a good looking group! Fantastic to see IT and her beloved!

  17. YAY!! along with Eileen -- clapping hands and jumping up and down with pleasure at the sight of this wonderful group, and especially at the long-awaited vision of the totally babelicious couple, our dear IT and BP!! Wow, Mimi, I would say that this scoop by itself justified your trip to Anaheim.

    Having seen this picture, I believe I have also spotted the lovely brides in a slide show of wedding photos which Susan posted today under the heading 'Icons of Resolve'. See if this link works:

    ... and try, just try, to hold back the tears of joy.

    Love to all!

  18. Eileen! Thanks for dropping by.

    Mary Clara, yes. IT and BP are in the slide show. Aren't they beautiful?

  19. I did not know that. Yes we are in the slideshow!

    Wow nothing misses THIS eagle-eyed crew!

    Thank you for all the compliments. I just married well, and BP makes me look good. ;-)

  20. What a great group o' peeps... (So wish I'd been there---at least I got a face-time report about it from de Good Prior today)

  21. JCF, what did he say? About us, I mean.

  22. So sorry I missed the fun at Louie's. WOuld have loved to have been able to spend some more time with all y'all.

  23. I suppose we have to leave something for next time....!

  24. That photo is well worth a much overdue visit!


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