Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Update Prayers And Answers"

From JimB:

Sue-z is clearly better. She is breathing O2 enriched air, but not using a mask anymore, only the nasal tubes - that is a big deal. The doc ordered solid food for the first time in 5 days and her kidney functions are coming back. Now we need to see the clots disovle. She is having a chest scan this afternoon to show the docs how the clots are behaving.

We are grateful for the prayers and hope they can continue.

Thanks be to God. May Sue-z continue to improve until she is restored to full health.


  1. As a self-confessed "not-very-good-at-praying" person, I continue to be amazed (awe-struck?) at how much prayer to which the inter-tubes has led me.

    Prayers for Sue-Z and JimB.

  2. Susankay, I ordered a book on prayer the other day, since I seem to be doing so much of it, and I don't know how good I am at it, either. I believe it was Tobias who recommended it. It's called In God's Presence by Marjorie Suchhoki.

  3. Prayer continuing. This is good news.



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