Friday, July 17, 2009

From Fr. Terry (aka) Fr. Jake

From Fr. Terry:

A drastically reduced budget has been approved by General Convention. Among the cuts are various programs at the Episcopal Church Center.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that the entire Evangelism program, including my position, has been eliminated from the budget.

Other program officer positions eliminated include Worship and Spirituality, Women's Ministries and Lay Ministry.

All together, 37 positions at the Episcopal Church Center have been cut. No explanation has been offered as to why these programs were chosen for elimination.

Pray for those staff at the Episcopal Church Center struggling with unexpected transitions.

Pray for the Church.

Read the rest at his blog.

How sad. Fr. Terry was enthusiastic about what was happening at GC09 with the Evangelism Program. The positions that were cut seem odd to me. Growing the church would seem to be essential now. In truth, all of the ministries that were cut seem important, but I suppose that choices must be made.

Indeed, prayers for all who need jobs and for the church.

For the Mission of the Church

Everliving God, whose will it is that all should come to you through your Son Jesus Christ: Inspire our witness to him, that all may know the power of his forgiveness and the hope of his resurrection; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

(Book of Common Prayer, pp. 816-817)

That All May Have Work

O God, the Creator of all things, you have made us in your own image so that we may find joy in creative work: have mercy on all those who are unemployed or will be unemployed. Help us to build a society where all may have work and find joy in doing it, for the good of our world and the glory of your name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Adapted from New Every Morning)


  1. I'm watching friends all over losing jobs and often "why" the companies chose certain segments of their organizations to let go and close is impossible to understand. There often just aren't any explanations. Sometimes it is done randomly just because no one knows really where to begin...this economic situation has made for an overpowering sense of fear that negates any real thought.

    I hate what is happening, but I understand it all too well - I understand because I'm watching it affect two of my sons and their families at this moment, and they're running scared like the that chicken with its head cut off.

  2. It is very sad for Terry and all who have or are losing jobs. Thank you for the prayer Mimi. There are so many unemployed these days and so many working at what they hate just to put bread on the table that they really do need our prayers.

  3. Mimi,

    Thank you for sharing those beautiful prayers. Praying for a world where all may have work.


  4. One of my sons has already taken a pay cut, is having a rough time making ends meet, and is running scared. He is a single dad with half-time custody of his two children, and he had to refinance his house to pay his ex her half of the equity. His salary was not in three figures to start with, but at least he has a job.

  5. Brenda, I think the prayer is lovely.

  6. Prayers of Thanksgiving for Father J! and may God have something up her sleeve for him...


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