Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Good News! Please Continue To Pray

From Doxy:

This came in this evening:
David's eldest sister called to report that Ruthie and Jim had really encouraging news today. I am sending this message while she is away. The MRI showed no visible tumor. There is a suspicion, but the neuro-oncologist and the radial oncologist think it may be due to surgery. To continue to keep the tumor at bay, Jim will start back on chemotherapy. Jim and Ruthie are, of course, delighted with these results.

Thanks be to God and for all your prayers! Keep them coming, if you will. No matter what happens after this, Jim and Ruthie were given a gift today---and I firmly believe that each of you played a part in that. May the Holy Spirit bless and keep you all in the shelter of Her loving wings tonight, and always.

Much love,



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