Friday, July 31, 2009

"I Am Weary"

I Am Weary

Kiss me mother kiss your darlin'
Lay my head upon your breast
Throw your loving arms around me
I am weary let me rest

Seems the light is swiftly fading
Brighter scenes they do now show
I am standing by the river
Angels wait to take me home

Kiss me mother kiss your darlin'
See the pain upon my brow
While I'll soon be with the angels
Fate has doomed my future now

Through the years you've always loved me
And my life you've tried to save
But now I shall slumber sweetly
In a deep and lonely grave

Kiss me mother kiss your darlin'
Lay my head upon your breast
Throw your loving arms around me
I am weary let me rest
I am weary let me rest

Post inspired by Ann in the comments:

Ann said...

I am so tired of Rowan - I had so much hope for him and he has dashed them all. Teaches me not to put my faith in men who ascend to powerful places - like I had not learned that lesson over and over!

My sentiments exactly. I'm not dying, at least no more than in the sense that we are all dying, but I am weary of Rowan and the troubles of the Anglican Communion. "Seems the light is swiftly fading", indeed. "Let me rest."


  1. Yep -- and I think I will have a moratorium on thinking about him!! LOL

  2. I second that thought, Ann.

    He was once a leader in his field. Now he's just rather pathetic.

    (I did read Tobias' current post. I'll wait until he completes his thoughts before making any comment.)

  3. It is very, very tiring and discouraging to keep up with issues that are so far-reaching, and where the seat of power appears to be so far removed from everyday life.

    You said in a comment elsewhere, Grandmère Mimi, that you didn't sign up for the Anglican Communion--you got involved with your local church and it came with the package.

    But the Anglican Communion is made up of local churches, and those are made up of individual people. You have a strong sense of love and mercy. I'm sure in your dealings with people you try to keep that in mind, and I'm sure it must help and inspire people. And that's more important than whether you can do anything about the ABC.

    (Some days, I feel the same way about humanity--that I didn't sign up for it and we could do so much better and I just don't want to keep trying and trying and trying to do better and keep seeing how much we hurt each other. But I can't opt out of being human.)

  4. You are so right Mike, was is the optimum word there! He has become a person who has changed so much!

  5. But the Anglican Communion is made up of local churches, and those are made up of individual people.

    Song, I know that, but I was much happier in my small world, wearing my blinders. That's not to say that it was right, but, in all honesty, I feel a certain nostalgia for those days right now.

    At least once a week, I sing the "I'm Gonna Quit This Bloggin'" blues. I think of all the time I'd have to do other things. I started the blog as a lark, as a fun thing. But now having started the damn blog, I feel RESPONSIBLE, because in addition to the lovely and thoughtful comments that I get here, I get quite moving emails from folks, thanking me for my blog. It seems that, maybe, just maybe, I may be doing the teeniest, tiniest bit of good with it, and I don't quit.

  6. You have your own church gathering here -- very emergent - even music on occasion as per today.

  7. Ann, that's a thought.

    And our offertory hymn is.... Get out your wallets and purses, my good people. Remember, "God loveth a cheerful giver".

  8. Whenever you are tempted to write "men" when talking about how power corrupts, just remember Margaret Thatcher.


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