Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Rowan Williams Then and Now"

If you have not yet read the post by IT at The Friends of Jake, titled "Rowan Williams Then and Now", you may want to have a look. I had already read RW's two statements previously, but when the two are juxtaposed, the contrast is startling.


  1. Thanks for the bouquet, Mimi!

  2. Quite sad. He almost seems to be trying to impress someone of his change of heart.

  3. Ciss, I have no idea what he's doing. I'm baffled.

    Tobias Haller posted Part I of a series on the ABC and his recent letter.

  4. Y'know, I read about this last year and commented on it then... in the light of his remarks at the end of the Lambeth Conference. And while some have tried to reason out his latest missive... when you consider where he was 20 years ago, and where he's gone to since then, it seems there is a simple conclusion: ++Rowan is a very frightened hypocrite.

  5. I am so tired of Rowan - I had so much hope for him and he has dashed them all. Teaches me not to put my faith in men who ascend to powerful places - like I had not learned that lesson over and over!

  6. ...when you consider where he was 20 years ago....

    SCG, I would hardly call it progress. Regression seems more apt.

    Ann, you inspired me. See the post after this one.


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