From Mark in the comments:
Марко Фризия said...
I have seizures from a traumatic brain injury I suffered in the U.S. Army. I also have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am on the Department of Defense email list and I receive casualty reports. Each name is very painful to read. The last four casualties (all from the same North Carolina National Guard unit) died June 29 in Baghdad from an improvised explosive device planted by the roadside. Their names: SFC Edward Kramer, SGT Roger Adams, SGT Juan Baldeosingh, SPC Robert Bittiker. These men were all in their 30s. I posted a pic of me in uniform taken when I served as a United Nations peacekeeper:
Mark's picture and comment show us a real person behind the numbers mentioned in Mark Harris' post below.
May Edward, Roger, Juan, and Robert rest in peace and rise in glory. May God give comfort, consolation, and the peace that passes understanding to all those who loved them.
Mark, may the ever-powerful love of God heal you in spirit, mind, and body.
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