Saturday, July 4, 2009

Yankee Doodle Dandy

I felt a little guilty, thinking that I may not have posted enough about the holiday, so here's more for you.

Mwah! Happy Fourth!


  1. Refreshing after all the Michael Jackson stuff.

  2. Isn't Cagney great? And if you look closely, you'll see that he does it all in high heels.

  3. Thank you for posting this video. I endeavor every year on the Fourth to watch the George M. Cohan story--but had missed it this year. And, I'd never before seen the clip of Mickey and Judy doing this tribute. Almost makes me feel proud to be an American again.

  4. I love watching Cagney sing and dance in this movie. He kicks high like a chorus girl.

    I didn't recognize the scene with Mickey and Judy, either.

  5. I went to a party yesterday. Twelve other people were present. Not one mentioned Independence Day or any issue of national identity or national concern. Thanks for posting more to celebrate something that still matters to some of us.

  6. Paul, I stayed home yesterday, but when I attend a Fourth gathering, it's an excuse to have a party, no bad thing, surely, but usually with only a tenuous, if any, connection to meaning of the holiday.

  7. When I hosted a 4th party we took turns by paragraph and read the entire Declaration. It was very sobering. And strengthening.

    I suppose (actually, I KNOW) I am a curmudgeon. And proud of it. Thanks to you and others, I feel that I celebrated Independence Day online.

  8. I hereby certify that Paul the BB is officially a curmudgeon.

  9. A nice thing to do on the holiday, BTW, taking turns reading the Declaration.


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