Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mike Castle Gets A Lecture And More

I saw this on the tee vee last night, and I laughed out loud, but it's really not funny. These are your fellow members of the GOP today, Rep. Mike Castle from Delaware. How do you like them? The folks in the video are Birthers, convinced of the "fact" that Obama is not a native-born citizen of the United States.

What can you do when a spectator in the crowd starts to say the "Pledge of Allegience", but stop the show, put your hand over your heart, and say the pledge?

H/T to TBogg and his post titled "Mama Weer All Crazee Now" at FireDogLake for pointing me to the YouTube, which I was wanting very much. TBogg comments:

Democrats may want to revisit the provisions for mental health care in their health care planning.

We're gonna need a bigger boat...

Some of the comments to TBogg's post are quite funny, too.


  1. You're right...it is sad. But it is so stupid at the same time! Does anyone really think that the Supreme Court wouldn't have stepped in if he didn't meet the criteria when he ran for president??

  2. I've had to re-post the code for the video more than once, since it didn't work right the first time, and I've watched it several times. It's really rather horrifying. The crowd of people look unhinged.

  3. In addition to the crazies, I found out I wear "Mom jeans"! Thanks for the eye opener!

  4. "I want my country back!"

    Yea! that's the level ;=)

  5. The GOP is really in for a crisis if they are catering to this fringe.

    And they do, apparently.

  6. We are in a crisis now because this is what the Bush administration catered to for 8 years!!

    They are really angry that they don't have the attention of this administration.


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