Saturday, July 25, 2009

My Turn To Ask For Prayers

Remember my niece, who was diagnosed with breast cancer? She had lymph node surgery, and the biopsy results showed one node positive for metastasis. Now she and her doctors are exploring treatment measures. As I've said before, my mother's family is a cancer nightmare. You name it, and one of the women in the family have had it. My niece's doctor recommended genetic testing for her because of the family history, her mother (my sister) having had both lymphoma, from which she seemed to be cured, and pancreatic cancer, which killed her. The test costs $3200, and my niece waits to see if the insurance company will pay for it. She will need a hysterectomy soon, because the lining of her uterus is not right, and she could be looking at uterine cancer down the road if she does not have the surgery.

Please pray for her and her doctors to make the proper treatment decisions, for the insurance company to make the right decision, and for peace of mind for her and her husband and the rest of the family and friends who love her.

This morning, I found out that my brother-in-law, her father, has a mass on one of his ribs. The doctor said it could be a fatty tumor, a muscle, or a malignancy. Further tests will tell the tale. My BIL recently had surgery for a malignant tumor in the bladder, which the surgeons were able to remove, and he required no further treatment, except close observation for a period.

The latest news about my BIL, which I heard only today, falls in the category of "too much", at least too much for me. The family have bad days, but are generally handling all this bad news with grace, which makes them seem heroic to me, since we are all still grieving for my sister. Today, I am not handling all of it with much grace.

Number 3 prayer request concerns my 9 year old grandson, who has a persistent ear infection, which required a visit to urgent care last night. He seems better today, but pray that the infection goes away completely.

Thank you all. I know what your prayers and good thoughts have done for me and mine in the past, and I'm confident that you will come through for me again

Good news for which we can give thanks from JimB:

Sue-z update (ongoing)...

I saw Sue-z tonight. She is on and off O2. If she is at rest no 02, if she is active she still needs a little. The expectation is that this will pass. Her intervention seems to be fine but they want to track the implant another day to be sure. Everything else is good. The idea is home Sunday or Monday. As very little seems to actually get done on weekends, I am betting Monday but I have been wrong before!


  1. Oh Grandmere. It is "too much." You and your family will be in my prayers.

    Many blessings on you as you care for you grandson. I had an ear infection about 1-1/2 years ago --I had forgotten how PAINFUL and disorienting they are.

    All my love to you.

  2. Good Lord, deliver us! "Too much" by far.
    Prayers all 'round.

  3. Huge sigh. I am sorry to hear of so many anxieties coming at one time. Prayers for all involved! And a cyberhug for you.

  4. Cancer sucks. And to have three people in your extended family to be contending with it all at once is too much. Prayers 'round and, yes, for your grandson.

  5. Prayers for everyone including you, dear Mimi.

  6. As Caminante says: sucks indeed. And there are just times when one is too tired to be strong. Prayers for you and all your family.

  7. Yes, cancer sucks.

    From morning prayer:

    "...that we may overcome by adversity;"

    Thank you, all. You're the best.

  8. Holy Raphael, pray with us for their healing, Holy Luke, pray with us for their healers.

    Prayers ascending.

    Thanks Mimi! Sue-z is advancing. Thanks to all who pray for her!

    Thanks be to God.


  9. Mimi--for some reason, you were really on my mind in my prayers yesterday. Now I know why...

    More prayers ascending, dear friend. May you, and all whom you love, be comforted and strengthened through the power of the One who made and cares for us all.


  10. Prayers for your niece, for your grandson, for your family, and for you.

  11. Prayers ascending for all in your family, and for their healers, and for you, May you all be enabled to be His hands and feet and voice for each other as you all walk these paths together.

    HLC in NYC

  12. Oh my word. I've seen a number of people deal with cancer recently. I am grateful that doctors seem to be much better able to keep people comfortable during chemo and radiation. Will be praying. I've had my own brush with breast cancer, so I know how gut wrenching it is. I'll pray for super wise doctors and other medical staff and sustaining energy for your family.

  13. Oh - I am late to this - so many prayers, I can't believe this. Oh my.

  14. Thanks everyone. The prayers help. They really do.

  15. Love and more prayers for you and your loved ones.

    And continued prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessings that you are and give and do.


  16. All the prayers are much appreciated. Thank you.


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