Saturday, July 25, 2009



My friend, Ann Fontaine, writes at The Daily Episcopalian of her 27 years of service as a deputy at General Convention. This year, her 9th convention, was her last to attend the convention as a deputy, and she writes movingly about those years and of her bittersweet experience at this year's convention.

Over the years, Ann has done me many kindnesses as a blogger by sending me links and generally keeping me informed. In Anaheim, she took me in hand and showed me my way around and looked out for me during my stay there. She introduced me to a good many of the rich and famous in TEC. It was a joy to meet her after our years-long virtual relationship. She was just as I expected, and I'm now proud to claim her as a real-life friend.

Ann, may God bless you and your husband as you begin a new dance in your lives in Oregon.


  1. Thanks Mimi. I started in New Orleans in 1982, took a convention off while I was in seminary, then returned. I visited in Denver in 1979 as I thought, sitting in Wyoming - I will never be this close again. LOL. In New Orleans Bishop Tutu spoke about apartheid and we sang songs from the "new" hymnal.

  2. Ann, that's a convention I'd like to have attended, and it was right in my neighborhood. Bishop Tutu! Oh my! I wish you had never told me that. I'll live in regret all my days.

  3. Amen to this post. Thank you, Ann, for your service. Dance away in new digs!

    We can pine away in regret together, Mimi. Tutu was in the Bay Area a few times, graduation speaker at the seminary, speaking at Grace Cathedral, and I never was present at those events.

  4. What a delightful photo of two of the crown jewels of our church. Blessings to both of you.

  5. Paul, what's wrong with us? In my defense, at that time TEC was barely on my radar.

    Lisa, Ciss, thank you. Flattery will get you everywhere.

  6. Mimi, there's nothing wrong with us unless failing to achieve the level of sanctity that allows for bilocation is going to be held against us at the Judgment Seat of Christ. In my case, many charges might be brought (and surely will) but I doubt that will be one of them. Then again, OCICBW.

  7. Paul, I have not achieved bilocation yet, but I'm working on it. It would come in handy, I can tell you.

  8. Thanks, Mimi. I was hoping so.


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