Saturday, July 18, 2009

Our Own Jim Has His Say In The UK

From Jim Naughton in the Guardian:

The general convention of the Episcopal Church concluded its triennial meeting in Anaheim yesterday, and apparently succeeded in annoying Tom Wright, the bishop of Durham. In some circles this accomplishment in itself justifies the expense of lodging some 880 deputies, 150 bishops and thousands of visitors in hotels near Disneyland for 10 days.

Writing in the Times, Wright asserted that the Episcopal Church is seeking to perpetuate the schism it began six years ago in consecrating Gene Robinson, who lives in a civil union with his partner, Mark Andrew, as bishop of New Hampshire. This is not the case, but I am always grateful when Wright comments on my church. Those of us who argue in favour of the full inclusion of gay and lesbian Christians in the Anglican communion and against the centralising agenda of Rowan Williams are in need of foils, and Wright, who seems to believe condescension is a charism, fits the bill perfectly.

In short, we did not resolve the tensions either in our church or in the communion, but we learned better how to bear with one another as we attempt to discern the will of God. I'd like to think that is a contribution to the larger church

Bravo! That's how to do it, Jim.

Talk about hyperventilating! Slow down, Bishop Right Wright. Breathe in a paper bag if you must.

Please read the rest of Jim's article at the Guardian. It's quite good. I hope that his piece sheds a little light on the happenings at the convention for the readers in the UK. Some folks "over there" don't seem to "get" the Episcopal Church and how it functions.

Jim hangs out at the Episcopal Café. I've even heard that he runs the place. To my regret, I did not get to meet him at the convention. I had a couple of misses of VIPs whom I wanted to meet, but not many.

I once did an assignment for Jim, probably by default, because no one else was going to be present and available. I was a wreck. I am not a reporter, nor am I a detail person, but I suppose I came up with something half-way presentable, because Jim published it, after a bit of expert editorial polishing.

H/T to Counterlight's Peculiers for the link to Jim's article.


  1. It is a good article. I especially liked the first paragraph, which you quoted.

  2. Amelia, I had to have that one. I want to write about Wright's article, but I'm procrastinating.

  3. Jim is a delightful person--great writer, fine husband, excellent father, and all-around good human being. He's also wicked smart with a fine sense of humor. I'm really sorry you didn't get to meet him, Mimi. You two would have loved each other.

    But maybe I'll get to be there when you do! :-)


  4. I would also note that you did not fly up to Seattle to visit with me, but that would seem petty.

  5. Very petty, my Sweet.

    At the same time, I'd note that you did not fly down to Anaheim to visit with me, but that would be just as petty.

  6. I read his piece earlier and created a link to it from my blog. It's excellent.
    Nice line about hyperventilation and blowing into a paper bag. LOL!

  7. Doxy, I hope you'll be there whenever I meet Jim. He was quite helpful and kind to me when I was on assignment.

    SCG, thanks. Wright comes close to making me hyperventilate.

  8. The whole article is very good. Thanks for posting the link.

    I didn't want to go to the trouble of registering on the Guardian site, but I was tempted when I read the comments. Clueless, clueless. And I am glad I didn't take a sip of my ice tea!

  9. Amy, I wonder. Do we sound as bad as some of the folks who left comments at the Guardian? I hope not. There were a few really good comments, and there was Robroi, who is all over the place fulminating against Bishop Katharine.

  10. Robroy is a regular at Preludium. Poor Mark Harris+.

  11. I have often thought about how we sound when I visit (very rarely..I can only take a tiny bit!)and read some of the comments at other sites with different POVs. I, too, hope not. The comment that made me do a spit take was the one about how marriage is between two families..and did Bishop Robinson's family get along with his partner's family.... sheesh

  12. That would put a large number of hetero couples in big trouble!

    (And I do believe that all of +Robinson's various families get along. I know that his ex-wife and his daughters are very supportive of his relationship with Mark Andrew...)


  13. Poor Mark, indeed!

    Amy, I was rolling on the floor at that comment.

  14. Doxy, exactly. What does that have to do with anything?

  15. I highly recommend Diana Bass Butler's essay on GC. However, RR showed up there. I cannot believe that he/she does not seem to have "filter," filled with vitriol, pooping all over Diana's "carpet." No peace there.

    Grandmère, I couldn't fly to Anaheim; I am not a wealthy retired person of leisure.

  16. My wife's ex-husband was the best man at our wedding. Just sayin'.

  17. "Condescenion" as a "charism." I'm not only guilty, I'm marveling at the insightful gift of prose.

  18. Correction: spell check ~ "condescension"

  19. KJ, A link to DBB's essay would have been nice. Now I'll have to look it up.

    IT, some of the comments were the silliest, but a few were excellent like this one from PhilippaB:

    Why (again) are those seeking to make their Church inclusive and accepting and welcoming seen as promoting schism whereas those who are seeking to make it exclusionary, intolerant, and downright unfriendly, aren't? Rowan W panders to the haties because schism must be avoided at all costs. That doesn't strike me as being an accurate reflection of 'love thy neighbour'. The Episcopalians seem to be doing a better job of it.


  20. Here's the link to Diana's post (And the silly reaction of the reactionaries. I could not resist responding to RR, but that was a waste of time.).

  21. KJ, thanks for the link. Sorry you can't all be wealthy retired persons of leisure.

    Crapaud, Jim writes well. I suppose that in his editing chores, he's seen enough of what's not good to learn what is good writing. That, along with his natural native talent, serve him well.


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