Saturday, July 18, 2009

Shall We Even Things Out?

Daniel Gilgoff blogs at US News. He sent me a link to his post on the two resolutions on full inclusion of gays which were passed at GC2009 in Anaheim. Have a look at the comments to his post. If you'd like, you can add a little zest to the neighborhood, because right now, it's owned by the Bible thumpers.

From Daniel Gilgoff,

Wounded Bird crew,

Thought you'd be interested in my blog post on whether the Episcopal Church's moves to embrace gays more fully will ease or exacerbate its membership woes.

God & Country



  1. The author's assumption that the decisions were made in order to beef up memberships displays a rather fundamental lack of understanding about what took place.

  2. I see a lot of cultural inreadings here.

    Do these people think they are Christian? Whatever for?

  3. Mike, where does Dan say that the changes were made to beef up membership?

    He quotes Mark Silk, who says ...all religious bodies must slow march to the beat of the culture if they expect to remain relevant to the lives of their members—that is, unless they want to relegate themselves to sectarian status.

    Is that what you mean?

  4. I thought it was implied rather that stated outright, Mimi. There were several comments about enrollment numbers, the message you quoted in your post.

    Reading through it again, though, I see that it is more likely that he's referring to membership numbers only as a side issue rather than a reason for the changes.

  5. Well, yes. Many seem to be concerned about numbers, but I'm more concerned that we do the right thing. "The numbers will fall" argument doesn't carry much weight with me.

  6. "Patrick of KY" is a strange-sounding name on a religious blog, is it not?

  7. Lapin, what a mind! I don't know that it's strange, but it is funny now that you've called my attention to it.


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