Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Remaining Hopeful"

Hi there,

Thought I'd share this one. Some of you receiving this message live in my native NH where you have long known that allowing LGBT people to participate at all levels in the church has not destroyed it. I hope that becomes true in all quarters, but I know it will take time, prayer and patience.

Here's my blog entry:


SCG's post is well worth reading. Here's a snippet:

Still, I wish it were that people wouldn’t see the gains made by the LGBT community as losses to them. The assumption seems to be that if I get a pork chop, then I must have been given the whole pig. Believe me when I say, "It’s just a pork chop, and there’s plenty of loin and bacon for you, too!" To put it in terms of Scripture, one need only look at the feeding of the five thousand to see that all who come and sit down on the grass will be given exactly what they need, exactly the portion they need… and there still will be left-overs. Do not be afraid.

We must never forget that setting people free is not a zero-sum game - if you gain, I lose - NOT!


  1. This is SO important to keep in mind. We often forget what "enough" means. There is, and always will be, ENOUGH love of God to go around, ENOUGH acceptance of God to go around, ENOUGH peace, plenty, forgiveness, hope, growth in God to go around. If a group of people, excluded for so long, have access to the table where we are all fed, there is still ENOUGH room for us all - the circle simply gets bigger. Thank you for writing this piece and bringing up this important issue. Peace!

  2. Joanna, welcome and thank you.

    I didn't write this, you know. SCG wrote it, and I thought it was excellent, so I linked to it.

    Indeed there is enough of the love of God to enfold us all with much left over.

  3. Mimi, I'm so honored you shared it with the world. Thank you!

  4. SCG, you're quite welcome. I was glad to do it.


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