Friday, July 24, 2009

The Republican Health Care Plan

What a surprise! I mean, who knew?


  1. Yes! He is so funny sometimes..I'm so glad he let his dyed hair grow out. He looks so much better gray!

  2. Susan, Fineman's dyed hair looked awful. How could he think that it looked good?

  3. I want to get back to Fineman's hair. I just went back and found a video of him and Olberman from May 08. Wow, what a difference. I was totally fascinated by the "growing out" of the silver over the past several months. The sheen and texture are now superb, especially compared to the "dry, brittle, charcoal briquet look" of the former doo.

    Why is all this fascinating to me? Well, close your eyes and imagine Granpère with about 1/3 less hair. That's me. How I wish I could watch what little I have turn shiny silver.

    Oh yea. And, Mimi, thanks for the h/t to the vid. I'm stealing it for my tomorrow post of Stand Out Story of the Week.

  4. DP, about the hair or about the health care plan? On a personal note, please don't ever dye your hair. It's lovely just as it is.

    Crapaud, I watched the transition, too. It was truly fascinating.

    You couldn't possibly have less hair than GP's fringe and have any hair at all. Have you seen pictures of him? His locks are in the process of going gray now. Mine started in my twenties.

  5. Yep, I've got him beat in the fringe shedding department. I once shaved mine thinking it would be quite fashionably attractive. NOT at all, so the fringe is what I've got. It does cover the lumps and bumps, and some of the liver spots.

    My dear sainted mother used to say "God made a few beautiful heads (on men). The rest, he put hair on." Mom was willing to be less than truthful when it came to uplifting the spirits of her children.

  6. Crapaud, GP uplifts his own spirits by speaking your mother's saying to himself and anyone who will listen.


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