Friday, July 24, 2009

Oh My! Blackmail?

From TPM:

Meet Paul Stanley. He's a Republican state senator in Tennessee who teaches Sunday school, loudly opposes allowing gay couples to adopt and is a firm opponent of sex outside of marriage -- except his own. Poor Stanley, 47, ended up having to go to the police and admit having sex with his 22-year-old intern after her boyfriend clumsily tried to blackmail him with pictures and video of Stanley and the intern in flagrante delicto. Unlike Sen. John Ensign's claims of blackmail, the police have taken this one seriously and charged the schlub of a boyfriend.

You'd think they'd learn, but it appears that not a few only learn the hard way.


  1. Yeah, I was wondering when this would hit the news. I head about it about a week ago, but have heard nothing from major news networks. Maybe after Governor Sanford and then we, in the great state of Nevada, gave you John Ensign, it's getting to be old hat? There is, of course, also Nevada's Governor and his affair with the former (and I do mean former) Playboy bunny. Their mamas must be so proud.

    I think people might actually feel some sympathy for the frailties of these their fellow human beings if they hadn't spent so much time denigrating others.

  2. Isn't there a quote about he who is without sin throwing stones?

    I think of that at times as we GLBT duck and dodge the Republican hypocrites heaving rocks at us....

  3. Rick, it's the hypocrisy. Jesus really didn't like that. We all fall short, but the ones who always flap their lips about what OTHERS should do to be righteous before the Lord, and then slip and fall big time themselves that really get to me.

  4. IT, sometimes they appear to be throwing boomerangs instead of rocks. How stupid.

  5. Only the first stone, IT. Open season after that.

  6. Sometimes I'm embarrassed to admit I was raised in Tennessee...

  7. Susan, every state has its share of loonies and crooks. Look at the arrests in New Jersey going on now. Before that, there was Blago in Illinois.

  8. But it's O.K He wasn't having sex with his intern's boyfriend.

  9. Normally, I wouldn't care about these kinds of shenanigans; they are all private matters and family catastrophes. Such adulteries would only get my attention if they call into question the judgment and competence of a public official; Eliot Spitzer for example.

    When people make careers as public scolds and moral exemplars, then they set themselves up to fall as hypocrites as soon as their zippers come down and their unruly humanity comes out. They can't and won't live by the very rules that they are so eager to enforce upon others.

    This is now becoming so routine, it's almost like a bad TeeVee movie script that won't go away and pops up in new incarnations every season.


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