Shame on you, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), for blocking real health care reform. Is it the money that the health care industries give to your campaign fund? Why do you insist that the public option be excluded? Why not do something for your constituents, instead of favors for the health care industries? Why not do the right thing, Senator Landrieu?
Senator Mary Landrieu [OpenSecrets]
Insurance: $397,231
Health Professionals: $598,866
Pharmaceuticals: $224,196
Hospitals/Nursing Homes: $268,145
Health Services/HMOs: $165,505
TOTAL: $1,653,943
From Bold Progressives.
H/T to Paul, the BB, for the link, although I see that I may have to get on a plane to ABQ and wash his mouth out with soap and water.
Almost $9,000,000 for John Kerry? Maybe you should be castigating your gel for incompetence.
ReplyDeleteDo Pharmaceuticals supplie Vitter with complimentary diapers?
Lapin, I had in the post that other senators get a lot more money and suggested that she was getting gypped, but I'm playing to the local audience, and I decided it was a distraction.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the Depends for Vitter.
Or Boudreaux's?
ReplyDeleteYou are bad.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a boy we called it horse pucky or road apples, but sometimes ya gotta call a spade a d**ned shovel.
ReplyDeleteThat's right, Paul. Sentence suspended. Bang!
ReplyDeleteWhew. When you come before a hanging judge you never know.