Monday, August 31, 2009

Pluralist - Out Of Bounds!

Adrian at Pluralist Speaks is incorrigible. See here and here. If he had not left Anglicanism of his own volition, surely we'd need to show him the door. I'm all for inclusion, but surely, there are boundaries....

And yet, and yet, I'd still share the table with Adrian, but - alas! - he won't share the table with me, more's the pity.


  1. It's an excellent essay Grandmere. And, I'm sitting here listening to PBS news broadcast about how institutions are changing --I am hoping the institutional church is listening.

  2. Margaret, I hope that folks read Adrian's essay and take it to heart and ponder it to see how we can do better as Christians. I believe much of the anger we see in the country against progressive politicians and progressives in the church is due to the rapidity of change in our society today. Those who want to slow change see progressives as pushing change. But change will come whether we like it or not, and it's really not possible to hold back the tide. It's about what will be our response as followers of Christ to the changes that will come, whether we're ready or not.

  3. What table do you want me to share? I'll share a table. What I won't do is share a table that requires a creed and an apostolic boss who receives promises. I'll still go to services, but stay sat at the creed and I don't say the part around the Eucharist. I went to the Unitarians Sunday morning and Anglicans Sunday evening, but when they stood to say the creed I stayed as I was.

    I'm remarkably flexible, you know - and look out for my service to appear very soon.

  4. Grandmere --we are in the midst of a reformation perhaps even bigger than the one 500 years ago.... it's an exciting time to be alive!

  5. Adrian, you know that it's the communion table that I'd like you to share, but I understand that you can't. You're not THAT flexible. However, I'd welcome you if you changed your mind.

    I'll be on the lookout for your service.

  6. Margaret, you could well be right. I'll probably be looking in from the heavenly kingdom for the best part of the show.

  7. I'm feeling a bit of a fuddy-duddy(and this a "dead" thread, anyway).

    I'm not getting the humor. Or the interest. Probably because I'm more on the Simone Weil end of the spectrum, and not inclinced to join any club that would have me as a member (yes, I know, Groucho Marx, but it all makes sense somehow).

    Which is to say my reasons for being wary of taking communion are not Adrian's, so I don't quite "get" Adrian's. Oh, it goes.

    I'd still go to the communion table with him.....

  8. Rmj, the humor is in the "here and here", and it's insider humor for those drenched in Anglican Communion politics.

    On the other hand, Adrian's post at the Episcopal Café is dead serious.


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