Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thought For The Day - Richard Rohr

Grace, that experience of unconditional acceptance and unearned love, breaks through our entire system of defenses and denials and can change anything at any age. Really!

Adapted from Radical Grace: Daily Meditations, p. 388, day 403
(Source: The Spiritual Family and the Natural Family)


  1. Mimi,

    Thank you for sharing these. I first saw them here and have since signed up to receive them by email. This one especially was beautiful.


  2. That grace is completely free and unmerited is sometimes so difficult for us to accept in our minds, but especially in our hearts, where change truly takes place.

  3. If we could all live our lives by this code....

  4. You know I get these and read them too, love this one in particular. Thank you Mimi.

  5. Fran, you put me on to RR's meditations, and I thank you for it.


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