Saturday, August 1, 2009

For Our English Friends

This post is for our English friends who believe their friends in the Episcopal Church in the US have let them down with respect to supporting the progressives in the Church of England. Here's a list of my posts referencing the covenant. You can check out each post, or you can simply believe me that I have spoken out against the covenant frequently. Note that the posts go back two years, and not one of them has a positive word for the covenant.

The list does not include the posts that I've done warning the English that the same up-to-no-good schismatic chickens making mischief in TEC, aided and abetted by certain English flying bishops, would soon take up their roosts in England to make mischief.

It's a boring post, I know, but I want to show that I've done my small part in Anglican Blogland as best I can. I've never said that we should abandon our progressive brothers and sisters in England, but I have said that it might be a good thing to stop paying attention to the ruminations of such wrong-headed luminaries as the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop Tom Wright.


  1. Someone in England's Green & Pleasant finally twigged that the balloon's going to go up in their own front yard? And that it's going to be a sight messier than it has been or will be in the US? Rowan's two-track Covenant will be a model of simplicity compared to the Spaghetti Junction the Anglican Church will become. US Episcopalians have their hands full with their own schismatics (and have received sod-all support from most Anglican "Liberals", almost of all of whom sat, whiskers twitching, in the entrances to their mouse holes, fearful of pissing off a bishop. "Just those noisy Yanks being vulgar again!") What, pray, are we expected to do to help in the Church of England. Invade? Your fight, folks. Do what we've done over here. Show some backbone and start to fight your own fight. Give us something to support over there.

    What the Hell's this about, Mimi? Which of our our English friends believe their American friends have let them down with respect to fighting against the schismatic groups in Anglican Land?

  2. Bravo for you! Keep on trying and slogging along in the good lucha.

  3. Lapin, a precautionary post, just in case some of our fellow sufferers in Anglican Land "over there" think that we don't help them enough. No naming names.

    Caminante, thank you. It's a long, hard slog, all right.

  4. Grandmere --It seems something in this equations has been left out.... we have been told by Jennie Te Paa and others that we needed to keep up the good fight FOR OTHERS in the Communion... and I am deeply humbled and grateful that we have taken the small steps we did.... but now, you are reacting and responding because someone has said that we are going to leave them behind?!! Can it be both ways --some asking us to lead, and others yelling because we have?

    I don't think anyone doubts your credentials and compassion. Nor your long, hard slog. God bless you. And yes, keep up the good slog. It's not over yet.

  5. Margaret, it doesn't make sense, and I'm not sure why I bothered to do the post. I don't think that I've let anyone down.

    I don't understand why England slept through what was happening "over here" without knowing that they would be the next target. TEC was target practice. England, the Jewel in the Crown of the Anglican Communion, the home of the Primus inter Pares, was always in the sights of the troublemakers. Unless the ABC completely capitulated, which he didn't do to their satisfaction, an attempt at a takeover was inevitable.

    And I don't think that we are to blame that they are waking up only now to the dangers that we have already passed through, with more facing us down the road. Remember, the English will be spared the wrangles over property that we won't be done with for years into the future.

  6. I do think you are correct --the CofE is in for some real trouble, just not the property/silver type.

    It's funny/sad --every week in the parish I serve, we pray for the ++ABC by name... and just recently I have thought that perhaps we shouldn't--he has so totally screwed us over and so many personsin our congregations have suffered because of his policies/approaches/decisions. But now, for a whole host of other reasons and signs, now think that we should continue to pray for him....

    So, see Grandmere --your post got me running the other way. Maybe that's what it's all about....

  7. Oh yes, Margaret! Continue to pray for him.

  8. I did my part over on my blog, and I'm sure I will have to do it again.

  9. Counterlight, that's one thing you can count on. You can never do enough.

  10. There has never been any doubt about you, or our American cousins Mimi. We have been following on your coat tails for a very long time. What happens on your side of the pond has happened on this side - usually about 15-20 years later. We've always been much slower on the uptake. But you have been, and continue to be, a prophetic sign of hope for those of us who began to doubt woman would ever be ordained to the priesthood. You are much braver than we have ever managed to be. The saying goes that the Church of England is the size of a juggernaut with the engine of a lawn mower. Movement is painfully slow, and collisions are horrendous. We pray for one another and we will continue to do so. I for one, thank you for your courage and your honesty.

  11. As I just wrote on Friends of Jake:

    "I am sooo tired of the man - and that makes me tired of the Anglican Wars on the whole.

    I just wish he would go away.

    I don't know if this is for better or for worse, or what may become of it.

    But I notice I have spent a lot of time on Face book lately ;=)"

  12. Ostrich, thank you. Yes, we must continue to pray for one another. We're all in the mess of troubles together.

    Göran, I'm tired of the Anglican Wars, too. I understand how Facebook can seem a more pleasant place.

  13. Grandmere,

    You and many others in this country have been noting the disasters with the Covenant, but I'm glad to have a short list of reading from your blog! :)
    As I noted to MP, the liberal voices in CoE sound like the U.S. media and Congress during the build-up to the Iraq War under Bush. Nobody ask any questions, just nod politely, and everything will be just fine.

  14. Oh, just wait. A "partnered lesbian" (as opposed to an "unpartnered lesbian???? Oh, no! Not that!) is a candidate for election for bishop in MN and the rumor is that out of 13 candidates for suffragan in LA, there are two gay men and one "partnered lesbian".

    The Anglican 'orthofundgelicals' have their 'drama-queen-chicken-little' suits on.

    Abandonment? Yeah, right.

  15. SCG, you don't have to really read all those posts, love. Trust me. There is a sameness about them.

    Elizabeth, you made me laugh. Thanks for that.

    Surely, you're jerking my chain about Louisiana. If that's true, the Episcopate Committee must be well into the vapors by now. Get the smelling salts!

  16. Oh, right. Why didn't I think of that?

  17. Because you live in one LA but the other one is bigger. Anyway us outside of Louisiana don't think it deserves the dishonor of being shortened to LA but should be written out in full.

    BTW have the orthofundgelicals ever not worn their suits in the last 6 years?

  18. Erp, it's the official spelling for mailing addresses for our state. I write it or type it so often that when I see LA I think Louisiana.

  19. I sent you a link to the article about the 6 people on the short list in Los Angeles. I'm excited.

  20. Susan, I know. I haven't got to it yet, but I will. When I get there, I'll know it's not Louisiana.


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