Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Episcopal Diocese Of Albany - Deanery Meeting

Openly Episcopal shares an account of a deanery meeting conducted by Bishop William Love in the Diocese of Albany.

For those of you who will attend a later deanery meeting, and for those who are interested in the bishop's thoughts, I took extensive notes, which I am happy to share with you here. If you were there, feel free to add your own corrections or observations.

The deanery meeting can't have been a pleasant experience for those, like Openly Episcopal, who wish to remain part of the Episcopal Church.

"The whole Convention got of on a bad foot," [Bishop Love] said, because at the first gathering the Presiding Bishop "got right into it and omitted the opening prayer." Then the PB went on to say that the great Western heresy is the idea that we can be saved individually, apart from the Church. "The specific verbal form of words" that she used "was an issue that caused great problems." He said that the statement "flew in the face of Holy Scripture, Romans 10:9," which "would seem to contradict what the Presiding Bishop said in her statement."

After several parishioners spoke of their desire to remain in the Episcopal Church:

...Bishop Love interjected, seemingly at random, that "to the best of my knowledge, there is no scientific evidence to prove a particular genetic makeup to explain homosexual orientation."

I'm shaking my head. Read the entire post by OE. Read Bishop Love's comments on Satan at work in the church today. Read his words on the Archbishop of Canterbury's encouragement to dioceses to sign on to the Anglican Covenant independently of the national church.

Thank you Openly Episcopal for your report on the Diocese of Albany deanery meeting.

Pray for Bishop Love and the priests and laity of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany.

UPDATE: Here's the link to the Albany Via Media website, a group of:

Episcopalians striving for a middle way of diversity and tolerance in the Diocese of Albany, NY


  1. You know, every time that I feel, um, "disappointed" with things here in Central New York, I can always look northeast to see that things could be worse! Cheers out to all those up there who are staying and trying to change things in that diocese! Keep up the good work!

  2. What does the ABC think he's doing? What possible good outcome can he see to enabling the likes of Bps. Duncan, Love, and Lawrence? Will he really be happy with folks like them and their followers in his top tier in the Anglican Communion?

  3. Skills the ABC doesn't have:
    1) Driving
    2) Walking a tightrope
    3) Making decisions

    Skills the ABC has:
    1) Fence Sitting
    2) Staring at headlights
    3) Equivocating

  4. Oh, I forgot, he's good at vacillation and obfuscation too!

  5. The Japanese just conferred an Honorary Doctorate of Obfuscation on the ABC. Fitting, eh?

  6. I noted on Openly Episcopal that my chancellor has noted that the two most "liberal" parishes in the Diocese of Albany are thriving, while membership in the "conservative" congregations are dwindling away. His daughter switched from a "conservative" to one of the "liberal" churches and found a lot of familiar faces there.

  7. That's interesting, Paul. I'm pleased that the "liberal" parishes are thriving.

  8. Bishop Love interjected, seemingly at random, that "to the best of my knowledge, there is no scientific evidence to prove a particular genetic makeup to explain homosexual orientation."
    Oh, !@#$, I'm going to have to write that post about genetics after all.

  9. IT, enlighten us all, please! However, I doubt that your words will change Bp. Love's "expert" opinion.

  10. I recently discovered that, despite considerable effort, no one has been able to link height to a specific gene or set of genes. This is not to say that human height is not a genetically linked characteristic. One can prove a genetic link simply by surveys of height correlated to parents' height, or by looking around at friends and their parents. But, geneticists who have looked carefully at the human genome have identified a number of candidate sites and each one in turn has been disproven. So, the failure to find the "gay gene" should be set in the context of our limited knowledge of the human genome.

    IT, I am sure that the above passage contains a number of errors in terminology, since my knowledge of genetics is quite limited. I am looking forward to your contributions on this topic.

  11. Bp. Love(what an oxymoron) reminds me of some of the independent teabag folks. He swallows the party line hook, line, and sinker, and spouts it as his own. His 'expert' opinion? Balderdash, I say. And nothing the PB could do would be acceptable in his sight.

  12. And nothing the PB could do would be acceptable in his sight.

    Indeed! She's a woman. That's sufficient to make her unacceptable in Bp. Love's view.

  13. The other consideration is that being gay doesn't have to be genetic to be set in stone.

    In some species such as alligators, even being male or female isn't genetic (instead it seems to be determined by temperature while in the egg, cooler temperatures yield more females) but can't be changed once born. (We probably shouldn't discuss the many species of coral reef fish where sex can be changed.)

  14. Erp, I won't be drawn into discussions of the biology or genetics of how folks come to be gay. It doesn't matter to me. If someone says to me, "This is who I am", I believe them. Who would know better? If it's proved one day to be, or not to be, genetic, or from a combination of factors, then so be it.

  15. Right in my back yard. What are the two liberal parishes that Paul speaks of? Just curious.

  16. There is a list of affiliated parishes at the Albany Via Media site. I don't know which parishes were referred to.

  17. Nor do I care whether it be genetic or environment as far as how gays/lesbians/straights should be treated though it might be interesting to know (too many scientists in the family).

  18. I was in attendance at the first of several of the Deanery meetings held by Bishop Love. My parish is one of those that is considered "liberal", we are in the city of Albany and we make sure we are known as a parish that is open to all people!! The words and actions of Bishop Love ( yes an ironic name) are disheartening to many of us who remain staunchly supportive of the Episcopal Church. As stated above, Bishop Love continues to use the same rhetoric with regard to his views on homosexuality and what the Episcopal Church is doing. Pray for us!
    Rich Angelo

  19. It's worth noting that Albany Via Media has not pushed parishes to join it. We recognize that most parishes, like the diocese, are mixed and we respect their diversity.

    As one commentator at a recent DoA deanery meeting noted, the diocesan train left the rails when (+) Dan Herzog misread 60% lay approval of the Network as
    a consensus. He thereby created
    Albany Via Media.

    Thanks to one and all for your kind words about our efforts to keep a lamp lit in Albany. They matter a lot!

    Bob Dodd
    Past President, AVM

  20. Rick and Bob, thank you for visiting and leaving your words. I can only imagine how painful it must be to hear the words of your bishop. It's quite encouraging to know that, in the face of the expressed hostility to TEC by those in leadership, you stand in loyalty to your church.

    How can excluding people be in line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? I don't get it. I pray your churches continue to welcome all. I think that it's a good thing that Via Media is not encouraging parishes to join, thus discouraging further division. I know this is a tense and trying time for you in the D. of Albany, and I shall continue to pray for you and for Bishop Love and and the other leaders.

    It grieves me that the seven bishops did an end run around the Presiding Bishop, going over her head to someone who has no authority whatsoever in TEC. Here in Louisiana, we are in the process of electing a bishop. Bishop Michael Smith of North Dakota, one of the seven, is a candidate. I pray that we elect a bishop who is loyal to the Episcopal Church, and I have my doubts about Bp. Smith.

    May God bless you and be with you.

  21. Openly Episcopal, if you come around, I tried to leave a comment to your original post, but I couldn't figure out how to do it.


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