May flights of doggie angels woof thee to thy rest.
Babs moved on. She had eaten nothing today, so now was the time. May she have a grand welcome by friends in the land where the grass is always green and there's always room to run and play and a comfortable spot for a good nap. And maybe even a beach. Her joints will be sound again and fit for running.
My son dug her grave earlier. Her body will rest in their back yard under the grape vine.
My brother-in-law sent me the old picture below of our dog, Ginger, who lived with us when we were children and teenagers. We sometimes dressed her in baby clothes, and she didn't mind. Babs will meet up with Ginger and won't they have a grand time sharing stories! Ginger was a good dog, too. When I was feeling really sad, I'd go sit on the back steps and pet Ginger and we'd love each other until I'd feel better.

"The Dog" by Ogden Nash
The truth I do not stretch or shove
When I state that the dog is full of love.
I've also found, by actual test,
A wet dog is the lovingest.

Picture at the head of the post courtesy MadPriest. Thank you, MP, for the sweet tribute to Sweet Babs .
Oh Babs, this is so sad. What a lovely doggy. Rest in peace sweet pup.
ReplyDeleteMy prayers for you all.
For your Son and his family....
ReplyDeleteJust this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. Her bright eyes are intent; Her eager body quivers. Suddenly she begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, her legs carrying her faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Thank you Fran and Margaret.
ReplyDeleteAnd there's this poem from Jay Simser for his Max:
After the Final Trip
Do not despair, my dearest friend.
That final office you performed
Could not extinguish this bright flame,
My fiercely burning, loving soul.
Yours was the power. You used it well.
An instant. Then the pain was gone.
Oh, dearest friend, my soul stayed there.
I heard your gentle words of love.
Do not grieve overmuch, my friend.
If bitter tears should dim your eyes,
I'll help to wipe that dew away,
I'll help replace it with a smile.
An ancient English legend tells
That animals, on Christmas Eve,
Precisely at the stroke of twelve,
Can speak as humans, and converse
Amongst themselves, or with mankind.
So, were it now that magic hour,
And I could speak my heart to you,
I'd give you this to understand:
The flesh you knew, it is no more.
My spirit, though, lives on in you.
If you should sense me close at hand,
Then you must know that I am there.
If, not rememb'ring I am gone,
You stretch your hand to stroke my head,
Then I am where I've always been,
Beside you, if not there in flesh.
And, should you see my lonely bed
Now empty, as it's never been
Through all the time I've spent with you,
Or come upon my well-used lead,
Or find my now-dry water bowl,
Or see the dish from which I ate,
And weep because my form is gone,
I am there, too, though I'm unseen.
I am not dead. My spirit lives
So long as you remember me.
Throughout your life I'll stay with you
As close as thought, or breath, or smile.
My most important job in life
Was giving you my deepest love.
That task is more important now.
I'm with you always, now as then.
Nor, when you, too, shall leave the earth,
Will I leave you alone in death.
My love transcends this mortal sphere,
And, when you die, we'll meet once more.
My spirit now is free to roam
Throughout the earth, the skies, the stars,
But I prefer to stay by you,
To live deep in your heart and mind.
My earthly body, true, is gone,
Returned to earth, from whence it came.
But my eternal body lives,
And loves, and waits for your embrace.
With all grief past, my dearest friend,
When we shall meet on distant shore,
We two, transfigured, young again,
Will cross the Rainbow Bridge to heaven.
So don't despair, my dearest friend!
Grieve briefly, and then live your life
Aware, and fully, to the end.
My life has surely showed you how.
Your ev'ry moment is a gift.
Take full advantage of each hour.
Yes! Live! Love! Share your many gifts!
And that, my friend, I learned from you!
Then, when you lay your burden down,
And when we two meet face-to-face,
Eternity we'll have to share!
My soul lives in your heart 'til then.
I've given all my heart to you,
My dearest friend. It's all I have.
Oh! Treat it gently! Hold it close!
And some day bring it back to me!
Those whom we call "pets" are clearly God (in only mild disguise) calling us to be more loving and WAY less judging.
ReplyDeleteBlessings (already are) on Babs and love to her family.
(I'll ask Paul the BB to post on Molly the WonderDog when he next does a heart thread)
Babs, onward Babs, sweet doggie of joy.
ReplyDeleteThanks to you all. It seems that we've had reports of many beloved animals who have passed on in a rather short period of time.
ReplyDeleteGood bye, sweet friend. May God comfort your grieving family.
ReplyDeleteA long-distance hug for all and some petting for Junior.
ReplyDeleteOf course, now Ginger and Babs can trade some serious stories about y'all.
I am so sorry, Mimi.
ReplyDeleteI never know what to say or do in the face of someone else's loss.
Thank you. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMark what you've said is just fine.
I am sorry for your family's loss.
ReplyDeleteActually the poem was written by my friend and Brother John Klaus. John is a wonderful man. He has about seven rescue dogs that he has at his place including Walter a beautiful Great Pyranees with separation anxiety.
ReplyDeleteMy sister always says that the last thing you can do for your animals is to assure that they do not have to suffer through a long illness.
We hold them in our hearts forever. I had a sheltie named Kelsey and I had the vet come to the house so he would not have to suffer the anxiety of being taken to the vet. I took my mother for a ride after the deed was done and when we got back to the house I actually saw a vision of him. Jumping around and greeting me as I came home as he had done so many times.
May God bless you and your family. Those who love pets are very special people.
Dear Grandmere Mimi,
ReplyDeleteAll you humans did the right thing by helping your dog friend to go to Heaven. And, it was real brave of you to do it too. I am proud of you. I'm pretty sure Babs is having a wonderful time by playing and getting petted by Jesus and Saint Roch.
I love you, and I know you're probably feeling sad about right now. But don't worry, somehow we all meet again.
Have some virtual licks and a nuzzle.
Your friend,
+Rowan the Dog
So very sad. Blessed be her memory. And may Babs rest in sweet peace.
ReplyDeleteTo say I'm sorry for your loss never seems to be enough but our thoughts are with you at this sad time.
ReplyDeleteScout and I are praying for you.
ReplyDeleteIzzie sends her woof condolences and I send my prayers. I'm sure Babs must be happy not being in pain.
ReplyDeleteHugs for all...prayers for all.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad for your loss.
Jay, thanks for further info on the poem.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sad that you'd think Babs was my dog, but she was such a good dog. The greetings from the other doggies are quite touching. All the prayers and words of comfort mean more than I can say.
Farewell, dear Babs. Your love has sustained your family both human and canine. Rest in peace, dear special one.
ReplyDeleteMimi--I am sorry to come late to this news. It is so hard to let a beloved pet go, although I know it is a mercy to be able to do that sometimes.
ReplyDeletePrayers, as always, for you and your family. I like to think of Babs having received her Golden Tail and playing with Ginger and Jesus.
Doxy (and Jasper, who sends a lick and a tail wag)
So sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in your grief. The worst thing about losing a loved one, pet or human, is the huge hole that is left when you return home. Nothing can ever quite fill it, though it can get smaller over time.
ReplyDeleteOur kittehs also send their fuzzy love to you and your family.
So sorry. I'm sure Babs is wagging her tail like never before.
ReplyDeleteFrom my heart, thank you all. There's no doubt that Babs is in a better place. She was a very sick lady.
ReplyDeleteMay Babs forever fling drool in the meadows of Heaven, and live in the hearts of her peoples always.
ReplyDeleteSweet Babs.
All good dogs who have gone on rejoice in the arrival of Babs. Gravy in heaven indeed for this wonderful canine saint. We expect to be reunited with our doggie friends, and are comforted by the fact (rest assured!) that Jesus is giving them scritchings on the belly as we speak!
ReplyDeleteWoof! woof! woof!
Janis, God loves drool, I'm sure.
ReplyDeleteAgaveagh, I count on it that Grendel and Babs are having a grand time together.