Monday, October 26, 2009

Episcopal Diocese Of San Joaquin - 50th Convention

Fred Schwartz writes about the convention of the real Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. His account of the meeting at Real Anglicans is here:

By now you must be aware that the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin is meeting for the second (actually the third time) since the split. A couple of parishes have now rejoined us (TEC diocese of San Joaquin) which will make this an interesting convention. In addition, we have one of the illustrious Communion Partner Rectors in this diocese as well. If you do not remember who the Communion Partners are look them up on the web at There you will find our own Rev. Rob Eaton. These are the folks who think they can be Episcopalian and not live by the constitution canons and prayerbook of TEC.

And here:

The 50th Annual Convention for the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin grew from spark to flame on this pleasant October evening. It was a time for sipping wine, eating a light repast and talking with old friends we had not seen for a while. It was a time for workshops including one on Education for Ministry (Wilma attended this one) and Episcopal Relief and Development and one led by +Jerry Lamb and Chancellor Michael Glass (I attended this one. There will be more on this one later) that featured "Where are We Now". 'The later referred to the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin.

And here:

Bishop Lamb convenes "California Gold"-

On Saturday, the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin met for the 50th time and wowsers, was it different! First off, the diocese passed a resolution affirming D025 from General Convention D025. With the passage of this resolution came a strange event. Our Communion Partner's Rector's parish, tried to perform an end-run by "tabling this motion" until such time as the diocesan Equality Commission could "finish its work". Note well that the representative to the Equality Commission had in a large and loud huff quit the commission a few months prior. This was the same parish that a year ago tried to gut the resolution forming the Equality Commission. At any rate, there was a discussion on the motion to table (most everyone saw right through this) and the motion was defeated. The resolution in favor of affirmation of D025 passed with some no votes but clearly a majority. In addition the affirmation of C056 passed with some no votes but with a clear majority.

There's much more at the website, including pictures.

Fred posted even more pictures at Off-Topic Allowed here and here.

Let us pray for the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. Bishop Jerry Lamb and the members of the diocese have difficult work ahead of them.

May God the Father watch over them and strengthen them; may the love of Our Lord Jesus Christ fill their hearts to overflowing; may the Spirit of the Living God guide them and enlighten them in all their endeavors, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


  1. Once again, reports of the death of The Episcopal Church have been highly exaggerated.

  2. Rob Eaton is still in TEC? hmm. or am I reading this incorrectly? I have been flamed by him on occasion.

  3. Ann, I read it that way. After all the court cases lost over property, perhaps the new policy for the agitators is to undermine from within.


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