Monday, October 26, 2009

Vatican Overture In F-Minor

From the transcript to the NPR interview by Guy Raz, titled "Vatican's Overture To Anglicans Rankles, Delights", with Jim Naughton, Fr. Thomas Reese, and (Wait for this!) Archbishop Robert Duncan. Ta-dah!


I think this is an instance where some of the more conservative leaders within the Roman Curia have decided that there's an opportunity to try to weaken the Anglican Communion by sending a message that Rome disapproves of its policies. And so I think this is, in many ways, not the pastoral move it's being portrayed as but is largely about sending a political message. And I think that's what Anglicans have to say in response is that if indeed you want to define yourself as the church that will reach out to people who are dissatisfied over liberalization, go for it, because we do disagree with you. We just, after much prayer and study, we just think you're wrong.

RAZ: Jim Naughton is the canon for communications with the Episcopal Diocese of Washington.

Reverend THOMAS REESE (Jesuit Priest; Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University):

I think what's basically happening is that there is a large number of Anglicans who have approached the Catholic Church and want to rejoin with the Catholic Church. You know, it's not that the Catholic Church is going out recruiting, trying to steal sheep from the Anglican Communion. These people are basically ones who are unhappy, have left or are planning to leave the Anglican Communion. They're knocking on our door. And the question is, do we open the door and let them in, or do we say no, thanks, you're on your own?

RAZ: Father Thomas Reese is a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University.

The best for last, of course - Archbishop Robert Duncan of ACNA

RAZ: Mm-hmm. We spoke with a representative from the Episcopal Church here in Washington, D.C.

Archbishop DUNCAN: Mm-hmm.

RAZ: He called the decision by the Vatican an affront.

Archbishop DUNCAN: Ah, an affront. Well, you see that the majority of Anglicans all over the world believe what the American Episcopal Church has done is an affront. It's an affront to what Christians have always believed. It's an affront to the authority of Holy Scripture. It's an affront to Christian marriage. It's an affront to the person and saving work of Jesus Christ.

So it doesn't surprise me that a representative of the Episcopal Church would call what the Vatican has done an affront. They would, in fact, call what we have done, as classic Anglicans, mainstream Anglicans, they call what we've done an affront.

RAZ: Do you have any plans to take advantage of the Vatican's offer?

Archbishop DUNCAN: No. I have made plain in my conversations with the Vatican that I believe that at this point in time, I'm called to lead the Anglican Church in North America and to rally faithful, mainstream Anglicans together and together with other mainstream Christians and that that's my call and my work right now. But I certainly bless those who are ready for this.

RAZ: Archbishop Robert Duncan heads the Anglican Church in North America.

Your Grace, thank you so much.

Mm-hmm. Affront, affront, affront. Who's committing affront? Whom do you believe?

His Grace will not take advantage of the kind offer from the Vatican. You see, if he crosses over to Rome, he will not be "His Grace".

Read the entire transcript or listen to the interview.

Thanks to Fran for sending me the link to the interview.

UPDATE: From a comment by BabyBlue to her own post titled "The Living Church: Rowan Williams says only provinces may sign the Anglican Covenant":

BabyBlue said...

I talk on the phone with Bob Duncan's office and it's "His Grace" this and "His Grace" that and I want to scream and run out of the room.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.


BabyBlue, I tip my hat to you. You have that exactly right.


  1. BINGO!!!! Mimi you hit the nail right squarely on it's ugly head. It always has been about Power. None of the ACNA bishops are interested because they must surrender their power.
    Interesting to note that Jack Iker told his priests last year that they were free to go to Rome, but they had to leave their property behind. Oh the irony of it all...

  2. AIREDALE! There you are! We've been thinking about you over on "Barkings"...

    I just about pooped when I heard that "Your grace" crap... I searched for a button at NPR to say "Stop being obsequious with turds!" but couldn't find any. Oh how I wish they had asked him about what would happen to "His grace" if he were to make the swim! That would be telling.

    A giant woof! out to +Airedale!

  3. For the record....I find what the Anglican Churches in Nigeria and Uganda have done--supporting legislation that would put GLBT people to death and jail those of us who would speak out on their behalf--to be an affront to basic human decency, as well as a violation of Christ's commandments to love our neighbors and to leave judgment to God.


  4. Is Robert Duncan old Mr. Grace or young Mr. Grace?

  5. Airedale, irony abounds!

    Clumber, where is "Barkings...." - and the button at NPR?

    Doxy, noted! Affronts abound!

    Allen, LOL! What do you think?

  6. "Barkings" is where it's always been... now open, and building momentum... soon to be featured "Live blogging form the CNY Convention!"...

    Okay, so there will be more exciting things coming, but perhaps I can include the KJS Eucharist. Hey, I wonder if there's some way to do a Youtube-Charist of her...

    More to come, including pictures of a sexy clumber! Anybody know how to do a fold-out online?

  7. Cheez. I just spent the day yesterday with a REAL archbishop (IARCA) and he doesn't do this 'Your Grace' crap. A little humility is always useful.

    I'm with Doxy.

    Now to find Barkings -- I am on a new computer since the last time I looked at it so don't have its URL.

  8. Okay, but just this once....Woof!

    Password is woof-woof-woof
    or was it woof-arf-woof?
    if those don't work try grr-woof-woof-grr

  9. Caminante, only those bishops with large egos and shrunken self-images call for the "Your Grace" crap.

    Abp. Barahona is in an entirely different category, a true man of God.

    Clumber, I'm glad you're open again. I removed your blog from my blogroll, because the last time I clicked, I couldn't get in. I'll restore it to its rightful place in the line-up.

  10. His Grace? When I see it, I'll believe it. Graceless more like it.

  11. Are we required to bend over and kiss his ring?

    Insistence upon titles and formalities (especially those of questionable legitimacy) is always a bad sign. "I'm a professor! I have a PhD!" Newt Gingrich always used to insist.

    This makes me think a little more highly of Baby Blue.

  12. Counterlight, I think a bit more highly of BB than of other bloggers with similar views to hers, although we disagree on most churchly matters. She seems to have a mind of her own, and she's not above veering away from the party line on occasion.

  13. Raz took Jim's comment about "affront" totally out of context -- worthy of FOX not NPR.

  14. Ann, I agree with what Jim said, in or out of context, however, it's true that NPR is in decline. They should do better.

    Does Jim have access to the entirety of what he said?

  15. I don't know -- I just listened to it and what I heard was not affront at the RCs decision but at their treatment of Rowan -- I agree he is right on with the comments otherwise.

  16. Ann, maybe it's my post that takes Jim's use of the word "affront" out of context. I didn't want to stretch the limits of fair use.

  17. I heard the interview myself this morning and I wholeheartedly agree with Ann.

    And yes, using the whole "His Grace" thing does seem a little pompous .. to my knowledge we've never called any Presiding Bishop "Your Grace" or any other honoric other than "Bishop"

    OCICBW ...

  18. An ancedote:

    Many years ago at at Diocese of New York meeting chaired by Bishop Paul Moore, the Revd. Canon Edward Nason West, (DD, KStJ, OBE, etc. etc.) arrived a few minutes late. He swept in with his walking staff and swooping his great black cape, humbly bowed to the bishop and said, "My apologies, your Grace." To which the bishop replied, "Hi, Eddie."

  19. Another anecdote:

    Years ago a friend approached Bishop Judson Childs in the hallway at a General Convention of some other such meeting, genuflected and took the bishop's hand to kiss his ring. The bishop said, 'Better get up quick or I'll give you something else to kiss!'

    I love it when bishops have a sense of humor!

  20. No - you are following what the interviewer took out of context

  21. Cher Tobias, I love the anecdotes.

    The "Graces" might take a lesson from Queen Elizabeth I:

    I am no lover of a pompous title...

    The rest of the quote need not be applied:

    ...but only desire that my name may be recorded in a line or two, which shall briefly express my name, my virginity, the years of my reign, the reformation of religion under it, and my preservation of peace.

  22. Thanks Clumber! You're back on line.

  23. No - you are following what the interviewer took out of context

    Thank goodness! But if Jim doesn't think it's an affront, I do.

  24. Thanks for the enlightening discussion of "Why is Doxy snorting 'your Grace' on Facebook?"; I find keeping up with such antics as those of his Graceless only occasionally amusing: vexatious at other times to body and Spirit. And a special thanks to Tobias for the moniker and the anecdotes.

    Alas: it's true about NPR, though I am at a loss as to when they lost their mojo.

  25. Caminante, saludos a Primado Martín.


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