Tuesday, October 13, 2009


If you have not read Church of England Bishop Peter Selby's address to "Inclusive Church's residential conference Word on the Street - Swanwick - 7 October 2009", then you must. It is absolutely brilliant. It's what I and many of us on this side of the pond and a few on the other side have been saying, but Bishop Selby makes the points beautifully.

While I was away I tried to read the online version for days and never succeeded, because I had little computer access. Last night, I printed it and read it as my bedtime reading. Excellent!


  1. Thank you. I'm off to read it. Glad you're home!

  2. It is brilliant. I hope there is no move in our diocese to approve the Covenant on our own.

  3. Ormonde, only provinces can adopt the covenant. Will it matter if the diocese approves the covenant?


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