Monday, November 30, 2009

Breaking News From Google

Google informs me:

If you live in America and you have been wanting to work from home, you might be in luck. Google has now released a new "Work From Home Program" that will allow Americans to work for the titan from the comfort of their own homes.

To thousands of Americans this means that they will soon have a safe and bright future working for one of the fastest growing companies in the world.

An employee of Google tells me that she earns $5500 per month in the "Work From Home Program". That's not bad. The introductory kit costs only $2.95, which is quite reasonable.

To see what the program is all about, I need to fill out a form, which I don't think I will do. I'll stay in suspense and imagine all I could do with the extra $5500 per month.


  1. Oh, there is so much I could do with $5500 a month! (And I'm a night owl too! I'd work at night and have the day to myself)

  2. Ciss, that's a nice bit of change, isn't it?

  3. Too bad it isn't GOOGLE that wants your credit card info. It's probably a Nigerian with an inheritance.

  4. If GM had all that extra income GP would never be able to keep her in line.

    Paul, on occasion, indulges in irony.

  5. Susankay, I believe the offer is legitimately from Google. Of course, I could be wrong. I could make money on eBay, too, but I'm not up for any of that.

    Paul, if I had the money, I'd put on my traveling shoes more often, that's for sure.

  6. Maybe you could open up some more shops...

  7. Right, Lindy. I should concentrate on the Mimi Shops.


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