Monday, November 2, 2009

Help Fred's Friends

Fred Schwartz at Off Topic Allowed asks for a little help for his friends.

St. Mark's Chapel, Port Royal, South Carolina is in need of a letter writing campaign. This small group of Episcopalians is located in the heart of +Mark Lawrence's diocese.

My heartfelt sympathies go to the folks at St. Mark's, who have been refused mission status by Bp. Lawrence for no good reason that I can fathom, except that they may not share the bishop's views on every damned issue in the Episcopal Church. They are a dedicated and hard-working community and they deserve better from their bishop, who was, after all, elected to SERVE THEM, as well as the members of the flock in South Carolina who walk in lockstep with the bishop.


  1. Not to mention that he might have to help them with a little money that would take away from his 'withdrawal' symptoms.


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