Monday, November 16, 2009

A Word With Roseann

Earlier today, I spoke with Roseann. She sounded good. When I asked her how she was feeling, she said, "I feel peaceful. It's indescribable, but I feel peaceful." I heard a trace of amazement in her voice as she spoke the words. Roseann wants to spend as much time with Gary as possible, but she will take phone calls and read email.

We talked about God working through technology to form loving, prayerful communities. Sue and I "met" through Roseann, and none of us would have "met" but for Jonathan's blog, OCICBW. I don't know if Roseann will read these words, and I hope that I'm not projecting too much of myself into them, but, as we talked, I felt the loving presence of God and a sense of awe. I believe that Roseann is in a state of special grace and that all of us who love Roseann and pray for her are bound together in that grace.

I know that you will continue your prayers for Roseann and Gary.

Roseann's email address is

revamundo (at) gmail (dot) com


  1. I spoke of Roseann today at the Contemplative Living (aka "Merton") group of which I am a member. So, she is not only a vehicle of Grace for me but for an additional six people.

    Prayers and gratitude.

  2. Prayers continue and I think we all are sensing grace in the sacred time. May her heart and Gary's abide in deep peace and tender joy.

  3. Thanks for this update. I don't know why but I mainly keep up with Roesann through you. You know I keep praying.

  4. I'm so delighted that this sense of grace Roseanne felt after the Eucharist last Tuesday is still there and upholding her.
    Prayers for her and for Gary continue.

  5. Yes there is so much grace - thanks be to God. How would I know any and all of you if not for the internet? What a miracle to be part of such a circle of God's love in this way.

  6. You know it is me, Fran right? I am at work and should not be blogging!!

  7. Also continuing my prayers for Roseann, and glad to hear of some news - it is a blessing upon us all indeed!

  8. I join the throng with my continuing prayers for them both.

    I have been reflecting on the "gift," (if one can call it that) of knowing that the end is near. The sudden death of Klady's husband this past weekend has deeply affected me, and made me realize what a blessing it can be to be able to say goodbye--and to know, without a doubt, how much and deeply you are loved.

    I am glad that Roseann knows that in this life. I hope that Klady feels our love for her too.


  9. Roseann has been a blessing..... a true gift to us all. Prayers and love continue for her and Gary.

  10. The most appropriate words I can think of come from Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, Part II, when he describes how Much-Afraid passed through the River Death to the Celestial City (and Much-Afraid also went forward to meet Death):
    "and she passed through the river singing, and no one could understand what she said"

    My only real prayer nowadays is that when my time comes eventually, I will be able to go into death, singing. It sounds like Roseann is managing to do so.

  11. Kishnevi, didn't you love Much-Afraid? I love the whole book.

    Roseann doesn't seem much afraid.


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