Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Alex And José Are Married

Less than one month after a Buenos Aires court derailed the marriage of Alex Freyre and Jose Maria di Bello, the couple wed Monday at the southern tip of Argentina, making it the first same-sex marriage in Latin America.

"As a couple, we dreamed of marrying for a long time," Freyre told the state-run Telam news agency.

Their marriage was hailed as a victory by gay rights groups in Argentina, though it was unknown whether the legality of their marriage would face any challenges.

Let us hope that José and Alex will overcome should further legal challenges come. For now, they are married.

¡Felicidades! May you have a long and happy life together, Alex and José.

Thanks to David@Montreal for the link.

From CNN.


  1. How wonderful. Thanks for keeping us apprised, Mimi.

  2. I am sympathetic with the "waiting for the challenges". Remembering it took about 9 months for us, living on tenterhooks through the challenges to Prop8, to find out if we were still married.

    Of course, we're NOT married outside of CA and about 5 states, and NOT married federally speaking, so we occupy a strange in between, neither fish nor fowl.

    It's quite stressful to be neither/nor. This isn't the "happily ever after" ending. It's just the next page turned over.

    i hope these two are sustained by each other as strongly as BP and I are. They will need it.

  3. IT, I know. The road ahead is uncertain for Alex and José and for you and BP. I remember how stressed you were waiting to see if you were still married. Only a national law will settle the matter, and I fear that the only way that will happen in the US is through the courts.

  4. I actually came by for that meter over that MP's, but you must have sold out! ;-)

    I'm happy for them! May they enjoy a wonderful, loving life together!

    As IT stated, it was hard for my daughter and DIL as well, waiting to know if their union was legal in CA.

    Happy New Year!

  5. Pagan Sphinx, I would never post an ad for the meter here. I keep the business and the blog separate, if you know what I mean.

    Happy New Year!


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