Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Counterlight On St. Peter's Basilica

In recent weeks, Counterlight posted a series of virtual tours of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. His latest, masterful contribution is at his blog, Counterlight's Peculiars. As I said in the comments there, reading the posts was a good news/bad news experience for me. The good news is what I learned about St. Peter's that I did not know before. The bad news is that now I know of all that I missed on my two visits to the basilica. I'd love to take a walking tour through St. Peter's with Doug.

I hope that at least some of Doug's fortunate students appreciate the effort that he puts into his teaching. His posts on art, architecture, and art history have taught me so very much.

To entice you to read Doug's post and view the rest of the pictures, I stole the photo of Bernini's Baldachino over the high altar in St. Peter's from his blog post.


  1. The privilege and pleasure are all mine, luv.

  2. I should add that any and all of the previous posts on Saint Peter's are available. Just go to the side bar of my blog and click on the picture under the title.

  3. I've been following his posts and enjoying them so much!

  4. Mimi
    I've got an even more original idea. After you and Doug have done Rome you could come to Montreal and tour la Basilique de Marie, Riene du Monde- Cathedral de St. Jacques which is a half size copy, including the Baldachino but without the statues. Doug could write a brilliant academic paper on the 'local adaptions' to reflect Quebec history in the Montreal Cathedral.

    You an I could go touring and shopping whie Doug was being brilliant for posterity!
    Just a thought.

  5. I've been to Montreal, and I have seen La Basilique de Marie, Riene (Reine?) du Monde, as well as Notre Dame by the same architect. I saw the smaller versions of the Baldachino and of Michelangelo's dome. I saw the memorial in La Basilique to troops from Quebec who died fighting for Pope Pius IX during the Italian Risorgiamento.

    Both churches are strikingly beautiful. Montreal is a wonderful city. I've been there twice. I plan to visit again.

    It's a great shopping city, though it's not quite the bargain it used to be for us Yanks, thanks to the falling Yankee dollar.

  6. I think that Counterlight needs to take us all on an art tour of Rome. In the evenings I can take you on a "tour gastronomique". Food for the soul and the body.

  7. Any chance we could obtain a grant to fund the learning experience?

  8. After you and Doug have done Rome you could come to Montreal and tour la Basilique de Marie, Riene du Monde....

    David, that sounds like an excellent idea, too. And I have not seen la Basilique. I'm not much for shopping. I think I'd rather listen to Doug's brilliance. ;-)


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