Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Beautiful Couple

Barack and Michelle are lovely together, aren't they? I love Michelle's hair swept up. I'm just saying.


  1. Mimi, I had the pleasure of worshipping with them in Washington on the 11th October (when you were having your extra long brunch with Counterlight). Michelle is much better looking in person. Surprising, since she already looks so lovely in photos.

  2. How lovely, Ueber-G. Yes, those wonderful looong lunches. And Counterlight lunches looong nearly every Sunday.

  3. I'm usually at those long bruches.

    The sermon at St. John's DC that day was the first EVER by their seminarian, who didn't know the Obamas would be there until he showed up.

    The theme was "Christianity has consequences". You can find the sermon, one of the better ones I've heard lately, here:

  4. Uber-G, that's right! I can't keep Doug's vast number of friends straight in my head. A good many of y'all were missing that Sunday.

    I'll check out the sermon. I wonder if the seminarian was quaking in his boots when he saw the first family in the congregation.

  5. I spoke to him later on. He was glad that he didn't know until he walked in which took some of the edge off. I especially like the paragraph about being bold (3/4 of the way through).

    I think this young man should go far.

    PS The Bishop of NY finally said something about Uganda. I've linked to it.

  6. I like it when women wear those skirts that swing. I wish they'd all wear those.

    Barak is beginning to annoy me.

  7. Lindy, Obama has annoyed me for quite a while, but I still think he's good looking.

    Do you wear skirts that swing?

  8. Well, I was just being kind about Obama. I'd like to sit him down and give him a good talking to.

    No, Mimi, I do not wear dresses that swing. I wear pants. But, I like looking at women who wear the swingy kind of dresses. It makes me feel happy to see their little knees bobbing there just under the hem, and to watch their hips go back and forth. It's just a source of joy and wonder, an occasion to give thanks to God for all the many wonders of this life. It makes me a better Christian, really. Certainly, a happier one.


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