Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas "Must Haves"


I like the idea of wine glass holder, but the arrangement seems a bit risky, unless you don't mind wine spillage on your clothing.


Back to the store with this one.


Perhaps some years ago....


Pretty scary in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning.

Thanks to Doug.


  1. The only thing that would be scarier would be to have your own picture in the sink. The way I look in the morning I don't know if I could even brush my teeth. Those gifts are all (WV) crines.

  2. Might try this for size.

    Verification abluit seems uncannily appropriate.

  3. I'd love to have the Psycho shower curtain. Great for guests who won't leave. Don't know about the rest of it, including Lapinbizarre's "soap" dispenser.

  4. That's the polite version of the soap dispenser, Counterlight. Google the term & you'll see.

  5. Yup, the polite version. While I'm being common, this is quite a funny idea.

  6. Definitely scary - but funny on another level too. ;-)

  7. Counterlight, what would you do, replace the normal shower curtain with the psycho one as a delicate hint once your guests have outstayed their welcome?

    I like the idea, maybe someone can come up with a whole range of "time to go" hints to be used all around the house.

  8. As Mimi will testify, I have a twisted sense of humor.

  9. The shower scene in "Psycho" left me frightened for months afterward. If I was home alone, I was afraid each time I took a shower.

    And yes, Erika, Doug is twisted, twisted, twisted, but a nice kind of twisted, so long as you're on his good side.


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