Saturday, December 12, 2009

"...How The Angels Came To Congo..."

My friend Georgianne Nienaber wrote a lovely Christmas story, titled "A True Tale of How Angels Came to Congo This Christmas", which you may read at The Huffington Post. Georgianne loves the poor and suffering people of Congo with a passion that moves her into action to help relieve the misery of at least a few of the vast number of those who live in the midst of misery and poverty that is unimaginable to most of us.

I have a copy of the CD Congo's Angels by a fine group of musicians, which I enjoy quite a lot.

Women singers, songwriters, and poets join a global initiative to raise awareness about violence against 200,000 women and children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

If you like, you can listen to the songs and purchase the album at the link.

The image above, of the guardian angel, is one of my favorites. It may be mushy and sentimental, but the picture had its place in many of the classrooms in my Roman Catholic elementary school, and, as a child, I found great comfort in the image. I believed that a guardian angel watched over me. In my heart of hearts, I still believe in guardian angels.


  1. Thanks and Blessed Christmas Mimi! I am so happy to know you and you are very inspiring to me.

    On a humorous note, an editor told me that if only I could find a way to write Tiger Woods into the narrative, we would have a story that would rocket around the world. I guess he is more popular than angels :-)


  2. Georgianne! You're fast. I was just now going to write to you to tell you that I linked to your story.

    Consider this: Had Tiger Woods been in the story, I would not have given you a post and a link.

    A Blessed and Happy Christmas to you!

  3. You make me smile. I check you out every couple of days..and there it was!!!! Must have been the angels whispering in my ear...


  4. The caption is "Go ahead - push".

    Word verification "aggies".

  5. Lapin, no!

    What are the aggies doing on my blog?

  6. Oh Mimi, thank you for posting this and to Georgianne Nienaber for a wonderful Christmas story. I'm sorry that iTunes doesn't have the album. Will have to get a disc.

    The word verification=trogilli. Keep on being trogilli

  7. The CD is quite good.

    Trogilli! I love it. Lately, I've found that WV seems to be filled with meaning.

  8. Good Morning and Merry Christmas everyone.

    For explanation, the reason itunes does not have download version is that it would have delayed CD by many months getting record companies to agree on all kinds of legalities that are not worth explaining. This way, the artists were able to bypass all of that and offer up their compositions for free.



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