Monday, December 28, 2009

It's Still Christmas - "The Rebel Jesus"

H/T to Ann at What the Tide Brings In.


  1. This is completely off-topic, but have you tried to go onto OCIBW today? Every time I try, Jonathan's page comes up for a few seconds, but then it transfers over to the website for the National Institute of Mental Health.

  2. Paul, I can get to the website of OCICBW. I sent Jonathan an email about your problem. You may want to write to him, too.

  3. Paul, Jonathan said for you to email him, and he will sort out why you are blocked from his website. You're not meant to be. The address is below:

  4. Jonathan has fixed the problem. Thanks for your help.

    I like the song, but I'm not wild about JB's rendition of it. It's a good antidote to all the "Ho! Ho! Ho!" nonsense


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