Tuesday, January 12, 2010



The comment above is what got me labeled a troll and banned at Stand Firm back in December. Before it was deleted, I captured the comment in a screen shot. My words were in response to a post by Sarah Hey titled "Upper South Carolina Clergy; Lay Leaders Elect Revisionist As Bishop, Choose Further Decline" and the comments which followed. Sorry, no link. What remains instead of my comment is shown below, also from a screen shot.


The Bible verse cited below the comment box is Matthew 5:43-45
‘You have heard that it was said, “You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.” But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous.
Am I the only person who detects a bit of dissonance here? Mind you, I don't care about being banned from SF, because I registered only recently to comment about the election in the Diocese of Louisiana of Bishop-elect Morris Thompson, who was being dissed over there. I left a couple of comments saying something to the effect that we could give Bishop Thompson a chance, pray for him, that the Diocese of Louisiana is not in imminent danger of death, and that's it, after which Sarah Hey labeled me a "known raving revisionist".

Then, I went back when the author of the post and the commenters were trashing Bishop-elect Andrew Waldo of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina, which is Sarah Hey's diocese, and I only got so far as the above comment. It's probably a good thing that I'm banned, because the atmosphere at SF feels toxic to me.

So why this post? I don't really know. For the record?


  1. Mimi, you will be the better for it. I've not visited Knee Deep in Schadenfreud for quite some time -- I can't even remember my last brief visit, sometime in the fall of last year. It wasn't good for my spiritual well-being.

  2. I agree with Tobias -- it is very toxic - my husband likes to check it every so often for laughs and to find out if they are talking about me being the "pope of Wyoming" -- LOL

  3. Good to have the record, though. Toxic sites (pun intended) should be avoided at all costs. They might to to demendy (WV).

  4. KDinS is not good for my spiritual well-being, either, Tobias.

    Ann, Pope of Wyoming, I don't know if they're still talking about you, because I hadn't been at the site for quite a while until today to make sure that I was not unbanned with my comment restored. Not much chance of that.

    Amelia, I surely don't want to be in a state of demendy. Thanks for the warning.

  5. As Socrates said:

    "If you kill a man like me, you will injure yourselves more than you will injure me," because his role was that of a gadfly, "to sting people and whip them into a fury, all in the service of truth."

    Sarah was already in a fury because of the election of Bp. Waldo, and when I quoted the Gospel, that was too much.

  6. Well yes. And Lord knows that crowd needs a gadfly.

  7. And there is also the message given that quoting actual Scripture to them will get you banned. Clearly they are unfamiliar with the actual texts (as opposed to what they think the texts say), and the experience is frightening to them.

    Besides which, they don't know what real jokes are, such as one can read on the fabled Wounded Bird..

  8. Badge of honor. Badge of honor. Just sayin'.

  9. I thought it was odd that Sarah banned me for the Gospel. And it's quite true that I will not face THEM at the judgment seat. TBTG.

    Besides which, they don't know what real jokes are, such as one can read on the fabled Wounded Bird..

    ...sent by my fantastic band of joke-suppliers, including you, Paul (A.).

    I know, Margaret, I know. Why do you think Sarah's quote is on my sidebar?

  10. Wait! I thought I was the "known raving revisionist" who had been banned - and then re-admitted (without application to same) but without commenting privileges.

    Or, is it TELP?

    It's just so hard to keep up with all the labels, isn't it.

    Not to worry, my dear. You're in some good company.

  11. The Evil Lesbian Priestess

    The Pope of Wyoming

    Known Raving Revisionist

    Gee, I am in good company. I must say that I like the bit of alliteration in my label.

  12. "troll banned"
    HAHA! Wear it proudly!

  13. I could almost be jealous, because I don't have a moniker. But, then again, I refuse to go over there. It's like swimming in radioactive sludge.

    Dear Friend lurks over there a good deal. His temperament is much different than mine, and he doesn't find it spiritually toxic. But I do think he harbors some strange fantasy of watching me and Sarah Hey go toe to toe. I am flattered that he seems convinced I would win. ;-)


  14. Bishop elect Waldo's father is a retired priest in our diocese and his brother is still active. Both are fine, men of the highest order, as I am sure Andrew Waldo is, also. Upper South Carolina is beyond blessed to have had the good sense to have moved where the spirit led and to have elected him as their shepherd. And, God bless him, he will do everything in his power to draw the circle wide enough to encompass even Sarah Hey.

  15. It is good to shine light and air on pathetic (or was that pathogenic?) behavior. Excellent disinfectant.

    I try to avoid toxicity at all times and in all places.

  16. Doxy, I think it unseemly to reveal the bizarre fantasies of your estimable spouse in this regard. Really. ;-)

    Of course as a godless homo, they'd throw me out instantly but on the other hand I have enough of vile bile in the endless prop8 trials, I don't need the headache.

    Mimi, I'm with Margaret. O

  17. IT--just goes to show you that priests are really human after all. ;-)

  18. I'm with Tobias. I would go over for Frigid in Faith and "play" from time-to-time, but was always accused of "stealing the thread," which I quickly learned meant I had made a strong point. It was very difficult to believe that I was communicating with adults. So I shook the dust from my sandals, and moved on. They do not want to "see", and refuse the Gospel "feast" that is prepared for them. They create hell on earth, and i get to chose to not live there.

  19. Do you remember the "I want to be banned by GAFCON too" button? I think we should have a "I want to be banned by Stand Firm too" button. As Margaret says, it's a badge of honour and a sign of your utmost integrity.

  20. I enjoy your fame vicariously you old trouble-maker!

  21. Doxy: "I am flattered that he seems convinced I would win."

    Well of course you would: God is on your side.

  22. Dear Grandmère Troll,

         I am proud of you!

  23. I'm sure that she thinks the same thing. And her god is a hell of a lot meaner than mine....

  24. My God is meaner than yours?
    That's another badge worth having!

  25. On a serious note, one of the protestors at the San Diego Gay Pride parade shouted angrily at the Dean of the Cathedral marching by, "If your GOd doesn't know hate then you don't know God!"

    Kinda sums it up, don't you think?

  26. Boocat, Bishop-elect Waldo sounds like a lovely man.

    Well then, I believe that we are of one mind that my troll label and my banning by SF are honorable awards.

    "If your GOd doesn't know hate then you don't know God!"

    IT, that is a sobering summation, indeed.

  27. I am so very proud to know the "raving revisionist troll" ... You're the best, Mimi!

  28. Sister Elizabeth, however, keeps acquiring new titles, the latest being "Queen of Rants".

  29. Whiteycat, thank you.

    Paul (A.), no one can keep up with Elizabeth. Was it the same site that gave TELP her new name?

  30. You can always go to CafePress or Zazzle and make a tshirt out it all: I was banned at SFiF or Viagraville or whatever le nom du jour is.

  31. We are sisters in crime then, Caminante.

    "BANNED AT SFiF" (I believe that's the latest name) should work for a good many of us.


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