Tuesday, January 12, 2010


From Ann Fontaine at The Lead:

The Search Committee of the Diocese of Alaska posted the list of nominees for election as their next bishop:

The Rev. Canon Virginia "Ginny" Doctor, Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Alaska and assisting vicar at St. James Mission in Tanana, Alaska
The Very Rev. Mark Lattime, Rector, St. Michael's Episcopal Church, Diocese of Rochester, Geneseo, NY
The Very Rev. Timothy W. Sexton, Provost/Canon Administrator, Cathedral Church of St. Andrew, Honolulu, HI
The Rev. Suzanne Elizabeth Watson, Christ and Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Westport, CT

More information on each nominee can be found at the Search website. There is also a process for nomination by petition which may add nominees to the list.

I've added the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska to the prayer for the election of a bishop on the sidebar of WB.


  1. Knowing nothing about any of the candidates and just based on her name, I think that Bishop Doctor would be a perfect choice!

  2. I know Suzanne Watson (no relation that I know of). I went to seminary with her. She is a wonderful person. She would get my vote without hesitation!

  3. Margaret, I knew nothing about any of the candidates, but I'm pleased to hear your good words about Suazanne Watson.

    Shall I direct my contact in the Diocese of Alaska to nominate Sarah Palin from the floor? Confirmation, ordination, and the frills can be speeded up if she is elected.

  4. Am I the only one who wonders whether The Very Reverend Timothy Sexton is quite sane?

  5. I think he might be in for a shock. His CV has him starting in Florida and steadily moving westward ever since but nothing in Alaska. However given Florida, Nebraska, Utah, Hawaii maybe he is use to shocks.

  6. Doxy, you mean beyond "Loving, Laughing, Learning, and Leading, mobilizing people to make progress on the hardest of problems"?

  7. Well...all that alliteration is troubling.

    But the climate thing is the biggie.


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