Monday, January 4, 2010


Gretchen Hadden thought it was time to pursue a career in something she was passionate about.

That’s why she started her own interior design business in September after an out-of-state move back to the Northland and leaving a career in the corporate world. She runs her new business, Sensible Style Interior Design, out of her Kansas City North home near Liberty.

“In this economy, people are hanging onto their homes and I think there is a need now more than ever,” Hadden said about the interior design field.

Her business strategy is what makes her business stand out and she hopes will get it thorough an unsteady economy.

She offers a wide range of interior design services from something as simple as lending a hand in picking out a paint color for one room to assisting in the big decisions that come with a complete home remodel.

“A designer wears a lot of hats,” Hadden said.

She said she works to override the misconception that hiring an interior designer is only a luxury. She emphasizes that it can be practical on almost anyone’s budget and she is working to target the average homeowner in the Kansas City area.

When Gretchen sent me the link to the newspaper article, the subject of the email was "Look what Santa brought me for Christmas!!!!" Her dad wrote me that she already has one client as a result of the newspaper piece.

If you or anyone you know in or around Kansas City wants help in home decorating, tell them about Gretchen. I assure you that she is not the type of interior designer who will impose her preferences on her clients. Gretchen wants to help make the homes of her clients look better according to their style preferences.

For more information or to set up a consultation with Hadden, call 529-8689 or visit

From the Sun Tribune.


  1. What a nice article about your niece. I'd be proud too.

  2. Wonder if she could come to NC? Lord knows that Dear Friend and I could use some help...

  3. Doxy, I've seen Dear Friend's decorating style. 'Nuff said.

    Oooh, that's mean. I take it back. Don't tell DF I said that, although I doubt that he'd care.

  4. Bwahahahaha! He would say it himself. :-)

    We declared yesterday that 2010 would be the "Year of Domesticity." That means that we stop living like grad students and get some furniture. ;-)

    (It looks like we are going to do EFM in his parish and I've told him I prefer to have people meet at our house. This will be a big impetus for living like grown-ups!)

  5. Impressive!

    Only a truly outstanding designer could get away with wearing more than one hat at a time.


  6. Congratulations to your niece. Of course you're a proud auntie. May she flourish and her clients be delighted.

  7. Mark, Gretchen is a carrot-top. She'll get you for that comment.

    She wrote to thank me for the post and said that she had 4 clients as a result of the newspaper article.


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