Monday, January 11, 2010

Prayer Request

From Arkansas Hillbilly:

Could you all please pray for Chris (Mrs. H.)? She's having a really tough bout with depression at the moment and I am worried. Thank you.

O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers: Mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servant Chris (Mrs. H.) the help of your power, that her sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  1. After my own personal walk with depression, I sincerely pray that a spirit of peace might come to replace the forlornness and pain in Mrs. H's days.

  2. Amen and what Ciss B said. (((Mrs H)))

  3. Postpartum depression is so very hard. I will be praying for all the Hillbillies, but especially for Mrs. H.---that the clouds will lift and she can enjoy her life and her family once again.


  4. Prayers for Haiti -- no word from any there yet

  5. On Haiti, I'm getting news from MSNBC. The quake struck near heavily populated areas near Port-au-Prince. A hospital collapsed. The situation looks really bad.

    One person interviewed said that Port-au-Prince was overcrowded with people, some living in squalor already. Many roads are blocked by rubble. Entire buildings and houses are made of concrete, including the ceilings. Imagine! No power.

  6. Episcopal Cafe´is getting some news from Lauren Stanley - appointed missionary who is on leave in VA this term.

  7. Prayers ascending for Haiti - and for Mrs H, of course!


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