Monday, January 11, 2010

"Ah, there's Good News Tonight!"...About Myron

Gabriel Heater was a radio personality many years ago and this was the way he opened his show.

The Good News is this. Myron is being discharged from Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital on Thursday January 14Th. He has been making really stellar progress with his PT. His speech and his mental acuity is clearer. The feeding tube was removed today, so he is putting on weight. Visiting nurses will come to the house on Friday to assess his needs, and arrange for PT and OT, speech and cognitive therapists. There may be a personal aide also. So most of his care will be done at home for now.

Maryann, my sister-in-law is so excited and a little nervous too. He has made such great strides since August 20Th when the accident occured.

I will continue to keep you posted as news occurs.

Blessings to you all,


Thank you for passing on the good news, Sue. I'm so very pleased for Myron and his family.


  1. I agree, Mimi. Home will be good for Myron and he was motivated by that. Prayers continue here for Myron and his family.

  2. Good news ideed!
    Praise and thanksgiving

  3. Wonderful news. Prayers continuing.

  4. Good news that Myron is going home and continuing to progress.

    I remember Gabriel Heater very well and can still hear that unusual voice in my mind's ear.

  5. Alas and alack! I remember Gabriel Heater, too, Piskie.

  6. That really is good news. Prayers continuing.


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