Wednesday, January 13, 2010


A salesman was demonstrating unbreakable combs in a department store. He was impressing the people who stopped to look by putting the comb through all sorts of torture and stress.

Finally, to impress even the skeptics in the crowd, he bent the comb completely in half, but it snapped with a loud crack.

Without missing a beat, he bravely held up both halves of the "unbreakable" comb for everyone to see and said, "And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what an unbreakable comb looks like on the inside."

Don't blame me. Blame Paul (A.).


  1. that guy is good with a come back! (giggle!) :-)

  2. Knowing how to make a good recovery is a vital skill for salespersons and comedians. And any performer, really. I am struck by our church organist's smooth recoveries after she makes one of her extremely rare mistakes.

  3. Second try. The reporter didn't have to work hard, did he?


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